AMPATH Improving Care At Scale With ODK and OpenMRS

Yaw Anokwa | Open Data Kit | January 24, 2012

AMPATH is the one of the largest HIV treatment programs in sub-Saharan Africa and is Kenya's most comprehensive initiative to combat the virus. The program's catchment area has over 2 million people and provides care to more than 130,000 HIV-positive patients across 55 urban and rural clinics. To provide care at this scale, AMPATH has invested in tools like OpenMRS (an open source medical record system) and Open Data Kit, to help improve the efficiency and impact of their health providers.

AMPATH has an extensive home-based and counseling program where community health workers (CHWs) go house to house to identify and enroll persons in need of care (i.e., pregnant women not in antenatal care, orphaned children, persons at high risk for tuberculosis infection). The workers need mobile data collection to document socio-economic data (including GPS location of household) and to implement the counseling and testing protocol...