Building a Better Toolbox for Development

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Governments are starting to recognize the value of open data and geo-spatial data for improving the planning, provision and monitoring of public services. As we know, real value also lies in raw data behind tables, graphs, and maps. The numbers, shapes, lines and descriptions that capture our environments are used and re-used in ways we can’t always predict. When Governments have and in turn provide access to statistics and geo-spatial data, policymakers can make better informed decisions enhancing the quality of public services provided to citizens.

The World Bank’s Open Data Initiative represents a major step towards Open Development. Our Mapping for Results initiative developed with GeoIQ makes all underlying geo-spatial data and development indicators fully open and accessible where users can easily download entire datasets or access them through APIs...we have supported Open Government Initiatives in countries as diverse as Kenya and Moldova allowing citizens and software developers to re-use public data and create useful applications for private and public good...