Amy Rothenberg, ND is a licensed naturopathic doctor who has been in private practice since 1986. In addition to seeing patients, her book The
A Cappella Singer Who Lost Her Voice & Other Stories From Natural Medicine was published in 2011 (BJainArchibel). She authored the chapter on homeopathy in the Humana Press’ Complementary and Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine, edited by Drs. Mehmet Oz and Richard Stein. She published the New England Journal of Homeopathy, a peer-reviewed journal, for 10 years.
She teaches through the New England School of Homeopathy and teaches a course at Hampshire College on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She has guest lectured at medical schools, colleges and for industry helping audiences to understand the essential philosophical and practical approaches used in CAM medicine.
Dr. Rothenberg is the Massachusetts representative to the House of Delegates of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. She served on the Board of Health in Amherst, Massachusetts and is currently chair of the Governance Committee and board member of the Amherst Survival Center, which offers free medical care, food and clothing to people in need.