COSI 'Open' Health
Most Popular Open Health News (OHN) Blogs in 2011
Check out the most popular Blogs on Open Health News (OHN) in 2011. They are ranked by number of people reading the blog, starting with the most read ones.
Ranking #1-10
- Oroville VistA Implementation Raises the Bar
- Why Should Consumers Care About 'Open Health' Software Solutions
- 'Open' Cloud Computing & Health IT Systems
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'Open Source' Virtual Reality (VR) Solutions
“In my day, we didn't have virtual reality. If a one-eyed razorback barbarian warrior was chasing you with an ax, you just had to hope you could outrun him.” – Anonymous
Virtual reality (VR) is a multi-disciplinary field of computing technology, that emerged from research on three-dimensional interactive graphics and pilot/vehicle simulations in the 1960's and 1970's. Back then, VR helmets were too heavy and cumbersome, computers were too slow, and touch/feedback systems were still in their infancy. However, technology has changed dramatically over the past 40 years. Read More »
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A Brief History of 'Open Source' Software in Modern Times
The 'spirit' of open source was in existence many millennium before the term officially emerged toward the end of the 20th century. In 'ancient' times, our ancestors shared knowledge about hunting, farming, cooking, herbal treatments, and many other topics and skills needed to survive. In 'modern' times, collaboration and sharing has taken on a whole new meaning, especially as it relates to the topic of free and open source software (FOSS). What follows is a brief history and timeline of 'Open Source' activities in modern times to help people new to the subject to better understand what has been happening in this arena over the past 50 years. Read More »
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What is the Role of the 'Open Source' Movement in Society Today?
We are in the process of transitioning from the Industrial Age of the past century into the Information Age of the 21st century. Many acknowledge this but don't really grasped what it means. We are moving from the 'closed' protective systems that worked well in the Industrial Age to the new, more effective 'open' systems approach that is the hallmark of the Information Age. Read More »
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What is the Role Of the 'Open Source' Movement in Healthcare?
Every so often, we need to go back and remind ourselves why the open source movement is so important. We need to revisit and ask questions about the role of the open source movement in improving healthcare. How does the non-profit open source movement relate to companies operating in the for-profit marketplace?
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Hybrid Open Source Software Development & Business Models
Starting in the early 2000s, a number of companies began to release a portion of their product's source code to the open source community, while keeping key parts closed. This allowed them to make claims that their company and products were open source. These products were termed commercial open source or hybrid open source software, to distinguish them from true free and open source software (FOSS). In hybrid open source business models, some of the software products are released using a business-friendly open source license, but some of the special source code add-ons are only available for a fee. There currently appear to be two major forms of the hybrid open source business model...
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Notes on the Future of Health Care in America: 2020-2050
The health care industry will continue to grow in importance, both in the U.S. and around the world. New technologies, in particular, will play a key role in dramatically changing the practice of medicine and improving people's health. In addition to the National Health Information Network (NHIN) in the U.S., global health information exchange networks will be put in place by 2040 to support the continued growth of the global health care industry and to fight global pandemics.
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'Open' Government Health Information Portals for Consumers
There are many free Health Information portals that have been developed and made available online by the U.S. government for consumers to obtain trusted information about a wide range of health related issues, e.g. nutrition, cancer, womens health, etc. Take a quick look at some of these and share the links to these portals with friends and family.
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Looking for Open Health IT Jobs
Looking to find a job associated with 'Open' Health IT projects or organizations. More and more people are getting interested. Check out the following Open Source and Health IT job sites.
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Genomic Information, EHR Systems, & Open Source
Next generation electronic medical record (EMR) will contain genomic information modules and provide predictive care capabilities supporting the continued movement towards more personalized medicine. Much of the work on genomic information systems being done involves extensive collaboration between public and private sector organizations with a heavy emphasis on standards and 'open source' solutions.
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