Elsevier Launches Open Access Journal: GeoResJ

Press Release | Elsevier | June 19, 2013

Amsterdam, June 19, 2013
Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, is pleased to announce the launch of a new open access journal, GeoResJ.

With the launch of GeoResJ, Elsevier's earth and planetary science journals portfolio has its first open access only journal. The journal aims to provide a forum for rapid publication of top research within the entire earth science field. The journal will be co-edited by six Executive Editors, each covering a different discipline, including geophysics, geochemistry, space science, volcanology, atmospheric sciences and paleontology.

"I am excited and proud to be a part of the launch of GeoResJ offering researchers a new venue for rapid and open access publishing of their work," said Professor Lyatt Jaeglé of the University of Washington who will serve as one of the Executive Editors. "With the journal being open access, published research will be available for all to read anytime, anywhere, an appealing prospect for most scholars," Professor Simon George of Macquarie University, also an Executive Editor, added.

"GeoResJ adds to Elsevier's existing earth and planetary science journals which already offer authors an open access option, including renowned journals such as Earth and Planetary Science Lettersand Quaternary Science Reviews," said Clare Lehane, Executive Publisher at Elsevier. "Authors now have more choice to determine which journal best suits their needs in terms of scope and access."

GeoResJ will publish its first four volumes in 2014. Any articles accepted for publication in 2013 will be available online on ScienceDirect. For more information or to submit a paper, go to: www.elsevier.com/locate/georesj.

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Executive Board of Editors GeoResJ
Steve Donovan from Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the Netherlands
Stephan van Gasselt, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Simon George, Macquarie University, Australia
Lyatt Jaeglé, University of Washington, USA
Scott King, Virginia Tech, USA
David Pyle, University of Oxford, UK

The Executive Board of Editors will be supported by a managing editor:
Vasile Ersek,University of Oxford, UK

About Open Access Publishing at Elsevier
Elsevier has been providing open access publishing options since 2005. Today, researchers can choose to publish open access in over 1,500 established peer-reviewed journals as well as 41 full open access journals and these numbers will continue to grow rapidly. All of Elsevier's open access publications have been peer reviewed, ensuring that the broader community not only reads the latest research but that it is factual, original and of the highest quality and ethical standards. For more information about Elsevier's open access program, visit www.elsevier.com/openaccess

About Elsevier
Elsevier is a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services. The company works in partnership with the global science and health communities to publish more than 2,000 journals, including The Lancet and Cell, and close to 20,000 book titles, including major reference works from Mosby and Saunders. Elsevier’s online solutions include ScienceDirect, Scopus, Reaxys, ClinicalKey and Mosby’s Suite, which enhance the productivity of science and health professionals, and the SciVal suite and MEDai’s Pinpoint Review, which help research and health care institutions deliver better outcomes more cost-effectively.

A global business headquartered in Amsterdam, Elsevier employs 7,000 people worldwide. The company is part of Reed Elsevier Group plc, a world leading provider of professional information solutions. The group employs more than 30,000 people, including more than 15,000 in North America. Reed Elsevier Group plc is owned equally by two parent companies, Reed Elsevier PLC and Reed Elsevier NV. Their shares are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RUK and ENL.

Media contact
Tobias Wesselius
+31 20 485 3870