iCare to Showcase Web-Based HTML5 GUI for VistA at Military EHR Conference

Press Release | iCare | March 26, 2013

iCare releases pioneering new Graphical User Interface that would enable the Warfighter to access VistA on any device via any Web browser.

Arlington, VA – March 26, 2013 – iCare, the Enterprise Cloud EHR provider announced today that the company has unveiled its enhanced Graphical User Interface (GUI) for VistA at the Military Electronic Health Records Conference in Pentagon City.

In February the U.S. Department of Defense announced that it was seeking to deliver a new electronic health record (EHR), to the warfighter, with the most capability in the shortest period of time for the least cost. Changing course from the original plan that was crafted in conjunction with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) thereby forming an integrated electronic health record. This has been the topic of much debate throughout the public and private sectors because of the anticipated multi-billion dollar price tag and perceived lack of ownership.

“The iCare standards-based GUI shows ‘proof of concept’ and will allow the DoD and VA to accomplish their individual goals at a fraction of the cost,” said Jim Riley, CEO at iCare. “By employing advanced technologies to make legacy systems easier to use, proven functionality is retained and billions of dollars of development invested by the public sector are not sacrificed.”

The agency seeks to replace DoD legacy electronic health records systems (e.g., Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA), Composite Health Care System (CHCS), and Inpatient System Essentris®) with an affordable and robust solution for clinical and business applications. Providing a single authoritative source of health information for DoD beneficiaries; improving patient safety and quality of care provided; helping to control healthcare costs; and contributing to the medical readiness for our military.

The total solution would impact DoD's direct care population of more than 3 million beneficiaries, and 70,000 clinicians who practice in 56 hospitals, 364 medical clinics, and 282 dental clinics.

Visit the iCare team at HIMSS in booth #3583.

About iCare.com LLC

iCare is an innovative provider of enterprise cloud Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions to healthcare facilities of all sizes. By combining a world-class enterprise-ready EHR with the cloud, iCare provides an unmatched combination of enterprise capabilities and low-cost. Current enterprise-class EHR systems are built on outdated architectures, which require a large allocation of resources by healthcare facilities for implementation, customization, development and daily operations. With iCare, healthcare providers will focus on patient care, not software. Visit our website at www.icare.com or www.cloudvista.com.

Don Cook
Chief Marketing Officer
iCare.com LLC
954-616-5604 x5200

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