Miami VA Healthcare System Extends Its Use Of LiveData Patient Safety Solution Throughout The Entire Perioperative Suite

Press Release | DSS, Inc., LiveData | November 11, 2013

DSS Integrates LiveData PeriOp Manager with VistA Architecture, Improving Workflow and Increasing Operational Intelligence

November 11, 2013 08:45 AM Eastern Standard Time

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--LiveData, Inc. today announced that the Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare Facility in Miami is installing LiveData PeriOp Manager, the company’s operational intelligence solution for healthcare, throughout its full perioperative environment. LiveData and partner Document Storage Systems, Inc. (DSS) will fully integrate PeriOp Manager with the VA’s VistA EHR, enabling patient information and perioperative case workflow to be viewed and managed by the clinical team within the perioperative suite, as well as throughout the healthcare system.

LiveData OR-Dashboard with Active Time Out was installed last June in all nine surgical suites at the Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center in Miami. Building on the success of OR-Dashboard, the Miami VA Healthcare System is expanding the patient safety and workflow efficiency benefits throughout the perioperative suite by installing LiveData PeriOp Manager. The expanded system will go live in Q1, 2014, delivering state-of-the-art operating rooms that integrate virtually all clinical processes in the OR, enhance patient safety and workflow, and provide clinical quality and efficiency metrics.

DSS Integration Toolkits modernize VistA by providing seamless integration of commercial-off-the-shelf solutions that improve quality and productivity, like LiveData PeriOp Manager, to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VistA system. DSS develops and supplies integrated enhancements to the VistA system, and specializes in healthcare IT solutions that improve quality and productivity. The VistA architecture provides an integrated inpatient and outpatient electronic health record (EHR) for VA patients, and administrative tools to help the VA deliver the best quality medical care to Veterans.

“When workflow is efficient and information is reliable, the entire perioperative suite can operate most effectively,” said Dr. Seth A. Spector, Chief of Surgery, Miami VA Healthcare System. “The new technologies at our Miami facility represent the best-of-breed approach to team communications and workflow, and are contributing greatly to the advancement of patient safety in particular, and OR outcomes in general.”

LiveData PeriOp Manager, the company’s operational intelligence solution, integrates real-time data with workflow automation to coordinate and manage patient care throughout the perioperative suite. PeriOp Manager includes:

  • OR-Schedule Board: a real-time view of the day’s surgical cases, enabling staff to improve patient throughput.
  • PreOp Board: a single, dynamic, operational view of patient status and preoperative case workflow.
  • OR-Dashboard: an integrated display of patient data from hospital medical records and physiological devices with automated surgical workflow and patient safety information including Active Time Out, a real-time, interactive safe surgery checklist incorporated into the workflow. With seamless VistA integration provided by DSS, Inc. Integration Toolkits, the use of Active Time Out helps the VA achieve the mandate of the VA National Center for Patient Safety Directive 2010-023: Ensuring Correct Surgery.
  • Family Waiting Board: a display enabling families to track the progress of their loved ones as they move through the surgical process.
  • Analytics: comprehensive data analysis and reporting, using big data techniques to transform real-time operational data into actionable quality, compliance, and efficiency intelligence.

“Besides the skills and insights of the clinicians, technology is our greatest ally in bringing hospitals a truly patient-centric operating room, where the surgical team can focus more fully and effectively on the patient,” said LiveData CEO Jeff Robbins. “When a healthcare organization like a VA medical center expands its use of our technology, it is a gratifying affirmation that we are delivering on our mission, and a particular privilege to be able to serve our nation’s Veterans.”

"We can give no greater honor to our Veterans than to pursue continued excellence in the VHA health care system," said Mark Byers, President and CEO of DSS, Inc. "LiveData PeriOp Manager serves an essential role as a vital patient safety addition to the VistA environment."

About DSS, Inc.

DSS, Inc. develops and supplies integrated enhancements to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VistA system, and specializes in healthcare IT solutions that improve quality and productivity. For more than 20 years, healthcare organizations have benefited from our technical and service VistA-integration expertise. DSS, Inc. has extensive experience working with federal, private, and public healthcare facilities to modernize their legacy VistA systems and to improve efficiencies for clinical and administrative users. DSS, Inc. is a member of the Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent (OSEHRA) organization. For more information about DSS, Inc. visit

About LiveData

LiveData is a leading innovator in real-time operational intelligence solutions. The company’s solutions gather data from any number of sources, coordinate it with team workflow, and present it as meaningful information on easy-to-read, graphic displays. Leading medical institutions, including Massachusetts General Hospital, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and New York-Presbyterian Hospital, have selected LiveData solutions to improve patient safety, team communication, and perioperative efficiency. LiveData is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and serves customers in healthcare, electric power and utilities, and manufacturing industries. For more information, visit

The following are trademarks of LiveData: LiveData, PeriOp Manager, OR-
Dashboard, Active Time Out, OR-Schedule Board, PreOp Board, Family Waiting Board, and LiveData Analytics. All other marks are the property of their respective owners, and are used for identification purposes only.

For LiveData
Ed Bride, 413-442-7718