ISDS 2019
The International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) conference is the premier event dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of biosurveillance. Every year, the ISDS conference draws approximately 400 professionals from a broad range of disciplines to learn the latest achievements, analytic methods, best practices, conceptual frameworks, and technical innovations in the rapidly evolving field of health surveillance. Additionally, ISDS offers a one-day One Health Symposium prior to the first day of the Annual Conference to explore the intersection of Human, Animal and Environmental Health.
Program Highlights
The three-day conference features approximately 220 presentations of accepted abstracts in Posters, Orals Lightning Orals (5-minute presentations) Roundtables, and Panels. There are workshops included that take an in-depth look into specific topics. Confirmed workshops for 2019 include two courses in R, two courses in ESSENCE and Grant Writing. Workshops may also include opioid surveillance, disaster surveillance and introduction to surveillance.
HLN Consulting will be attending the meeting with a table in the exhibit area as well as two presentations.
- Strategies for Clinical Decision Support for Electronic Case Reporting on January 30 at 10:00 AM.
- Automated Immunization Surveillance: Using Business Intelligence to Improve Up-to-Date Rates on January 31 at 1:00 PM.
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