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Schroeder On Open Source Funding Streams
During the holiday season it's natural to consider giving back and reflecting on what we've accomplished. According to the open source community has done an amazing job on both counts. For example, a partial tabulation of some open source projects related to medical image analysis yields a total of over $350 million and over 12 million lines of code, the result of years of hard work. WOW!
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Paradigm Shift: VistA, the Patient Management Console
The answer is to promote VistA for what it really is: A patient management console, not simply a way to write a patient note. The ideal patient management console allows the clinician to determine the individual medical needs of each patient, including preventative care, chronic disease management and acute care. It then provides a single place to meet these needs. The note then practically writes itself through the use of “today objects” that capture the orders and encounter data.
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FrontlineSMS, Now in 70 Countries, Wins Curry Stone Design Award
FrontlineSMS, open source software that allows users to initiate two-way communication with large groups of people via texting on an ordinary mobile phone, continues its exponential growth. The software has been downloaded more than 20,000 times and it is being used for non-profit projects in about 70 different countries. This past October, FrontlineSMS was one of the winners of the Curry Stone Design Award.
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Sana: Providing Hope for Healthcare through Mobile Technology
Sana was born to bridge the human expertise gap between resource-poor settings like rural India and large centers of medical know-how. Sana – Spanish and Italian for “healthy” and Filipino for “hope” – is a volunteer-run organization in MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)...As a pioneer of mobile health (a.k.a. mHealth), Sana revolutionizes healthcare delivery in remote areas through innovative mobile information services that improve patient access to medical specialists.
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Students Write Code and Save Lives with OpenMRS
Earlier this year, OpenMRS participated once again in Google Summer of Code, a worldwide program organized by Google’s Open Source Programs Office to expose university students to the world of free and open source software, and encourage those students to become long-term contributors to projects that interest them...Unlike many other summer internships that students may have during the summer, our students were responsible for planning and delivery of “real-life projects” that came from needs and requests from people installing and using OpenMRS...And if the presentations our students made this semester were any indication, all were exciting ways to write code and save lives.
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Nursing Informatics & 'Open' Health IT Solutions
Expect nurses to play a much bigger role in defining requirements for health IT systems of the future, especially given the growth of more inclusive 'Open Communities' that are playing a bigger role in the defining 'Open Health IT' systems for tomorrow.
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Blue Button Initiative Takes Off, Contest Winner Announced
Blue Button, an easy to use open source tool to access the “MyHealtheVet” Personal Health Record (PHR) that was publicly released in August of last year by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), has surpassed all expectations and is now being used by more than 425,000 veterans across the country. Read More »
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EHI Live 2011: A Skunkworks Approach to Healthcare
The EHI Live 2011 will supply conference delegates with the latest updates on healthcare policy and innovation in the NHS while providing plenty of networking opportunities to all involved. Most significant, the exhibition will showcase an open source skunkworks concentrated on using open source software to solve healthcare problems. Read More »
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popHealth App Challenge Launched by ONC and Health 2.0
We should be seeing major improvements to the open source popHealth reporting tool as a result of a Challenge Award just announced by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Health 2.0. It is hoped that the awards will motivate developers to create innovative applications that will enhance the open source tool beyond its current capabilities. The hope is that the challenge will generate new methods of leveraging the program’s current reporting functions and open source framework to help providers better understanding and care for patient populations...
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VistA & the Underground Railroad
See this series of You Tube video presentations about the public domain VA VistA comprehensive health information system. The speakers were attending the latest gathering of the original developers who were members of a clandestine group of forward thinkers within the Veterans Administration (VA) known as the Underground Railroad. VistA is now one of the most well known of the open source Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. See the video presentations on You Tube. Read More »
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