HANDI Update – Three Months Old Today
HANDI has just completed three initial launch events and is three months old today so this seem a good time to update you on progress and future plans. We have now got just under 550 people registered with HANDI of which about 210 attended one of our workshops.
Follow-up meetings are already taking place in our NE Cluster and plans are advancing fast for our London and Midlands clusters. Were keen to identify people who would like to take an active role in the steering groups for each cluster and If your able to help please get in touch. lon@handihealth.org, mid@handihelath.org or ne@handihealth.org. Things have been very hectic and it you have already expressed an interest using any other channel it would be helpful if you could do so again using the relevant email above.
We have added a discussion forum to the web site and are keen to get conversations running on this. You can use it to ask questions or make comments about anything to do with health and care apps or HANDI and can also use it to publicise your apps – Click Here
As you know HANDI is a not-for-profit community interest company and we have got this far on generous support in cash and kind from a small number of our supporters. We need to raise further funds and are looking for organisations willing to become founding sponsors with an initial donation of at least £1,000 If you are interested please get in touch info@handihealth.org and we can explain what we can offer in return...
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