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Zero-Day Paranoia And The Reality Of Modern Web Browsing
Remote code execution is an end-user nightmare that can be stopped tomorrow, if we enact the appropriate technologies to prevent it. Read More »
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ZeroTurnaround Reveals An Open Source Hardware Line
ZeroTurnaround today announced its plans to open source the company, starting with a new line of hardware products deemed “GRM2”. This marks a significant shift in business model for the Estonian software house, who has been developing JRebel, the popular development productivity tool, since 2007. Read More »
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ZH Healthcare Announces Membership With Virginia Association Of Charitable Clinics
ZH Healthcare announced their membership and support to Virginia Association of Free and Charitable Clinics. The mission of the VAFCC is to support, strengthen, and advocate for the delivery of quality health care to Virginia’s low-income, uninsured and under insured residents. "We believe that just offering our ZH OpenEMR software is not enough, and want to provide more support in the local area in which ZH Healthcare is based," said Shameem Hameed, Chairman of ZH Healthcare. "We are excited to become a member of VAFCC and look forward to learning more about the needs of the clinics and help and support the mission of VAFCC where we can."
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ZH Healthcare Announces New On-Line OpenEMR Education Program
ZH Healthcare is pleased to announce a new educational program to share knowledge and experience with the OpenEMR community. OpenEMR is an ONC-ATB Ambulatory EHR 2011-2012 certified electronic health records and medical practice management application. It features fully integrated electronic health records, practice management, scheduling, eRX, and electronic billing. OpenEMR is endlessly configurable to suit the individual needs of the practice.
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ZH Healthcare Announces New Program For Non-Profit And Charitable Health Clinics
Quality health care isn’t always affordable to those that need it. Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and free health clinics provide services to nearly 20 million patients in under served populations. Delivering high quality patient care on a tight budget is hard so ZH Healthcare has created a new program to help these health clinics. Under this new program, ZH Healthcare will offer their cloud-based ZH OpenEMR Patient Package at no cost. The meaningful use certified ZH OpenEMR will allow these clinics to be more efficient, train volunteers more easily, see more patients and provide best possible care to their patients.
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ZH Healthcare Announces The Availability Of Patient Portal Payment Processing
ZH Healthcare announces the availability of the Authorize.Net Payment Gateway allowing practices using OpenEMR and the Patient Portal an easy way to install payment processes. This system alleviates the challenges and expertise normally required when connecting to payment processing websites because ZH Healthcare has already prepared the Patient Portal for the use of Authorize.Net. Once activated practices can begin to receive credit card and electronic payments.
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ZH Healthcare Exhibits the BlueEHR Platform at HIMSS17
ZH Healthcare brings blueEHR, a flexible and user-friendly EHR and Health-IT-as-a-Service (HITaaS™) solution to the exhibit floor for the 2017 HIMSS Conference & Exhibition, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, from Feb. 19–23, 2017. More than 40,000 healthcare industry professionals are expected at the conference, where they will gain expert insights during the exchange of innovative ideas and best practices in improving health through IT, and have an opportunity to hear ZH Healthcare's CEO, Shameem Hameed, speak on the topic of "Unleashing the Value of HITaaS" in the Innovation Zone, on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 2:00pm ET. Read More »
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ZH Healthcare Offers the Next Step in OpenEMR Patient Portal with Progressive New Features
ZH Healthcare recently announced new features for the ZH OpenEMR Patient Portal that enhances communication between patients and physicians. Now patients have the option of becoming a partner with their physician, through the ability to upload various kinds of documents, such as their medical history and New Patient Registration. Patients can now upload secured photos for medical purposes long before having an initial appointment with their doctor. This jump starts the workflow process when becoming a practice’s patient on record, and allows the physician time to ponder and review their case, time that previously would have been spent during a face-to-face visit.
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ZH Healthcare OpenEMR Announces New e-Prescription Subscription And Implementation Services For OpenEMR
ZH Healthcare recently announced a new service for their e-Prescription module for the community version of OpenEMR. The e-Prescription, or frequently referred to as eRx, module includes drug-drug and drug-allergy interactions and the ability to both print and transmit prescriptions electronically. Electronic prescription facilitates faster delivery of medicines, refills and removes errors thus making it extremely reliable and safe.
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ZH Healthcare Releases New Electronic Health Solution (EHS), Becomes Provider’s Answer to Health IT
ZH Healthcare (ZH), a leading provider of open source Health IT solutions, announced today the release of BlueEHS, the first ever Electronic Health Solution (EHS). Developed to offer an alternative to existing Electronic Health Records (EHRs), BlueEHS is a Freemium Software as a Solution (SaaS) product that offers expanded functionality, malleability and customization that have received raving endorsements from medical providers who have tested the product around the world.
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ZH OpenEMR Announces Lab Interface For OpenEMR
ZH Healthcare recently announced the certification and availability of Lab Interface services. This capability will be utilized in the ZH OpenEMR solution and is available for the community version of OpenEMR as a monthly subscription. The interoperability provides bi-directional capabilities to integrate lab orders and results directly into patient records. The interface will save providers time and money by simplifying workflows and reducing the number of unpaid orders. Clinical and operational quality will improve due to the reduction of manual entry errors and timeliness of lab results.
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ZH OpenEMR Announces Lab Interface For OpenEMR
ZH Healthcare recently announced the certification and availability of Lab Interface services. This capability will be utilized in the ZH OpenEMR solution and is available for the community version of OpenEMR as a monthly subscription. The interoperability provides bi-directional capabilities to integrate lab orders and results directly into patient records. Read More »
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ZibdyHealth offers a Simple and Secure Way to Consolidate and Manage Health Records
Zibdy, Inc. announces the launch of their secure and free DIY tool within ZibdyHealth application to consolidate medical records ( using Microsoft Azure. Following the Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act, Zibdy, Inc. has announced that their platform – ZibdyHealth – addresses and provides a solution to a key goal of the ACA and HITECH act – consolidation and exchange of Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Given that patients often have records located in 5 or 6 patient portals, medical record consolidation is an important challenge which ZibdyHealth has now addressed in their free application.
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ZibdyHealth Sub-Optimal Data Exchange Standards
Reformers in the health care field, quite properly, emphasize new payment models and culture changes to drive improvements in outcomes. But we can’t ignore the barriers that current technology puts in the way of well-meaning reformers. This article discusses one of the many companies offering a patient health record (PHR) and the ways they’ve adapted to a very flawed model for data storage and exchange. I had the honor to be contacted by Dr. Hirdey Bhathal, CEO/Founder of ZibdyHealth. Like many companies angling to develop a market for PHRs, ZibdyHealth offers a wide range of services to patients...
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Zillow Speaker Series: Steven VanRoekel, White House Chief Information Officer (VIDEO)
When Steven VanRoekel moved to Washington, D.C., to take a job as managing director of the Federal Communications Commission in 2009, it was his first time working for government. The self-described “geek at heart” had worked at Microsoft since college and had never planned on working in public service. Read More »
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