Someone knows you are reading this. They know what device you are using. They know if you make it all the way to the end (which I hope you do!). They may be watching you read it, and listening to you. They know exactly where you are right now, and where you've been. As FBI Director James Comey recently proclaimed, "there is no thing as absolute privacy in America." Director Comey was speaking about legal snooping, authorized by the courts and carried out by law enforcement agencies, but, in many ways, that may be the least of our privacy concerns...
See the following -
Go-live gone wrong
Much anticipated, and sometimes hyped, electronic health record system rollouts cost millions of dollars and often end up causing chaos, frustration, even firings at hospitals across the country. Case in point: Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine, a 600-bed hospital that is home to the celebrated Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital, and a part of the MaineHealth network. Read More »
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Google Glass Gets Healthy Push
Royal Philips and Accenture announced Thursday they will partner to study the creation of a proof-of-concept demonstration that uses a Google Glass™ head-mounted display for researching ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of performing surgical procedures. Read More »
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Google Joins the Open Source Cloud Foundry Foundation
Google is joining the Cloud Foundry Foundation as a Gold member. To be fair, this doesn’t necessarily come as a major surprise, especially given that Google recently hired the foundation’s former CEO Sam Ramji. Other Cloud Foundry Gold-level members include Accenture, Allstate, CenturyLink, Huawai, Phillips and Verizon. It’s worth noting that Google — unlike Cisco, IBM, SAP and others — didn’t opt for the highest level of sponsorship (platinum), though...
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Google Joins VistA Team Proposing Open Source EHR for the Department of Defense
Google has thrown its hat into the EHR ring by joining the team led by PwC which is proposing that the Department of Defense (DoD) upgrade their current EHR to Defense Operational Readiness Health System (DORHS), a customized application built for the DoD and based on VistA, the open source EHR developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)...Google’s participation has enormous implications for both the DoD’s EHR and to the healthcare industry as a whole. By choosing the open source EHR team, Google...has sent a clear message to the world that VistA is the best option for the DoD.
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Hackers Are Coming for Your Healthcare Records -- Here’s Why
Data stolen from a bank quickly becomes useless once the breach is discovered and passcodes are changed. But data from the healthcare industry, which includes both personal identities and medical histories, can live a lifetime. Cyberattacks will cost hospitals more than $305 billion over the next five years and one in 13 patients will have their data compromised by a hack, according to industry consultancy Accenture. And a study by the Brookings Institution predicts that one in four data breaches this year will hit the healthcare industry...
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Hart Invests in Open Source Development With Linux Foundation Gold Membership
The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit advancing professional open source management for mass collaboration, today announced Hart has become a Gold member of The Linux Foundation. Hart develops HartOS, an API platform that allows healthcare providers and their vendors and partners to use health data from multiple computer systems in a HIPAA-compliant manner to provide rich digital experiences. These may include medical records, hospital information, radiology information, laboratory information, picture archiving, emergency department and other systems...
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Health Care in a Post-Privacy World
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Health Care Should Get "Smart" about Protecting Patient Data
Admit it: you're worried about your online privacy. Admit it: your personal health information is one of the things you worry most about getting hacked. Admit it: you don't understand why your health care providers seem to have a hard time sharing key information about you. And admit it, you're not quite sure what health insurers really do, except for always saying no and for getting between you and your health care providers. This is why blockchain is the new hope -- or hype -- for health care. What intrigues me most about it, though, are its "smart contracts." The GAO recently cited health as a key area of cybersecurity weakness, and TrendMicro profiled why cybercrime is a particular threat for health care...
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Health IT Leads in Jobs Recovery
Healthcare IT is among the leading markets of the employment recovery that has occurred in recent months, according to, a healthcare, pharmaceutical, and biotech employment information website.
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HHS Names HealthCare.Gov CEO
...Kevin Counihan, the current CEO of Access Health CT, Connecticut’s state exchange, has been named federal marketplace CEO by Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell...
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House Passes Bill To Inform Users Of Breaches
A bill that would require swift notification for users whose personal information is compromised by hackers won bipartisan House passage Jan. 10, despite opposition from the White House. Read More »
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Hyperledger Announces the Hyperledger Healthcare Working Group
Today, Hyperledger is announcing the formation of the Hyperledger Healthcare Working Group (HLHC Working Group)...The HLHC Working Group’s mission is to house and foster technical and business-level conversations about appropriate applications for blockchain technology in the healthcare industry. These conversations will be broad and educational, but will eventually focus on identifying opportunities for near-term collaboration between participants on common software to implement a given application. If appropriately scoped and resourced, these conversations could lead to one or more proposals for new software development efforts to be hosted at Hyperledger.
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Hyping the Hyperledger with Blockchain Boffin Brian Behlendorf
HfS’ Saurabh Gupta recently caught up with Brian Behlendorf (see bio), the Executive Director of Hyperledger at the Linux Foundation. Brian was a primary developer of the Apache Web Server – the most popular web server on the internet...Two decades after developing the Apache HTTP server that played a key role in giving us the internet and the web, Brian is reimagining our world again with blockchain. We discussed a range of topics around the reality and practicality of blockchain for enterprises along with the one wish that he wants to come true...
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IBM Partners With Epic In Battle For Pentagon's Multibillion-Dollar EHR Deal
IBM has teamed with electronic health records provider Epic to compete for the Defense Department’s Healthcare Management Systems Modernization contract expected to be bid out this summer, with an expected value of approximately $11 billion...
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Independent Doctors Unite To Fight National Trend Toward Hospitals Buying Physician Groups
Since January, at least 114 local doctors have traded their independence for steady paychecks from hospitals. The move, part of a nationwide trend, has wide implications not only for doctors but also for patients' pocketbooks. Read More »
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