Platform businesses scale differently than traditional businesses. Platforms scale through network effects. In the previous post, we introduced and described a widely used metaphor: pipes vs. platforms. Traditional businesses are pipes. Their value chains are linear. Value is added at sequential stages before a final product or service is delivered to consumers at the end of the pipeline. Platforms do not produce goods or services themselves—they make connections among stakeholders and facilitate value exchange among those stakeholders. Value is created outside the platform. Both pipeline businesses and platform businesses strive to achieve scale—but the type of scale they strive for is vastly different. In this post, we’ll explain how pipeline businesses strive for economies of scale (on the supply side) and how platform businesses scale through network effects (on the demand side).
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OpenEMR Launches Multiple Turn-Key Solution Options Through Amazon's Cloud Services
Press Release |
OpenEMR |
May 30, 2018
OpenEMR, the most popular open-source electronic health record and medical practice management solution, now offers a full panel of easy to install packages on Amazon's Cloud Services. In 2017, OpenEMR released its first Amazon Cloud Services offering, OpenEMR Cloud Full Stack, with the goal of enabling Enterprise use of OpenEMR. However many clinics and academic settings did not require the complexities of a large-scale full cloud offering and/or HIPAA eligibility. The OpenEMR community realized that a one size fits all Amazon cloud service approach could not address the vast range of different requirements and workflows in modern-day clinical and academic settings.
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The New Rules of Healthcare Platforms (Part 2): Pipe Scale vs. Platform Scale
By Vince Kuraitis, JD/MBA, and Randy Williams, MD | November 21, 2022
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