Rep. Jason Chaffetz's recent remarks suggesting that some Americans should invest in their health instead of in a new iPhone reminded me of nothing so much of the old Jack Benny bit, where Benny is accosted by a robber who threatens "your money or your life." When Benny doesn't immediately respond, the robber prompts him, and the supposedly miserly Benny snaps back, "I'm thinking it over." I suspect that, like Mr. Benny, many of us would have a tough choice between our smartphones (and our other devices) and our health. It may be not so that we're miserly as it is that we're addicted.
See the following -
Why Online Book Discovery Is Broken (And How To Fix It)
Here’s the main problem with book discovery online: Right now, it doesn’t really work. New research shows that frequent book buyers visit sites like Pinterest and Goodreads regularly, but those visits fail to drive actual book purchases. Read More »
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Why Open Source Hardware Is No Oxymoron
“It’s time to stop treating data center design like Fight Club,” said Jonathan Heiliger, “and demystify the way these things are built.” It was April 2011, and Heiliger — the man who oversaw all the hardware driving Facebook’s online empire — was announcing the creation of something Facebook called the Open Compute Project. Read More »
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Why the A.I. Euphoria Is Doomed to Fail
Investors dropped $681 million into A.I.-centric startups in Silicon Valley last year. This year, the number will likely reach $1.2 billion. Five years ago, total A.I. investment spiked at roughly $150 million. This is how Silicon Valley works: When something new is hyped and seems to have investor trust, everybody jumps on the train without asking, “Where does this train go?”...
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Will Ubuntu's OpenStack Dominance Turn Into Cash?
Ubuntu dominates the cloud, but that's not the same as dominating cloud revenue. Yet early signs suggest it's on the right track. Read More »
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World's First Mobile App For Complete Family Health Care Premieres In Austin
Medici, an Austin-based company with leadership from Johns Hopkins, Amazon, eBay, McKinsey, KPMG and others officially launches its health care service. Medici allows patients to securely text with their own doctor, vet, therapist and more through a HIPAA-compliant app. Offered first this week in Austin, Medici plans to extend the service to all of Texas this month and then release it nationally. Medici is safer and more compliant with the laws of states like Texas that have wrestled with services offering treatment with no established doctor-patient relationship, says Medici Founder and CEO Clinton Phillips...
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Your Smartphone or Your Life...or, the Dangers of Addictive Technology
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‘The Internet’s Own Boy’: Brian Knappenberger Chronicles Tragedy Of Web Activist Aaron Swartz
When Aaron Swartz committed suicide on January 11, 2013, he was facing a possible 35-year prison sentence and a million-dollar fine. Federal prosecutors had targeted him for using an MIT computer network to download 4.7 million documents from the JSTOR database...
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LinuxCon and CloudCon Europe
LinuxCon Europe is the place to learn from the best and the brightest, delivering content from the leading maintainers, developers and project leads in the Linux community. There's simply no other event in Europe where developers, sys admins, architects and all types and levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further knowledge of Linux and open source collaboration in general. LinuxCon will feature over 100 sessions with innovative content on the latest kernel updates, storage technologies and interfaces, security, Internet of Things and talks related to open source collaboration and best practices.
CloudOpen Europe features technical content that addresses open cloud platforms and devops tools. It is the only venue where various open cloud technologies come together under one roof to advance Apache Stratos, AWS, Chef, CloudStack, Docker, Gluster, Hadoop, Juju, KVM, Linux, MariaDB, MySQL, OpenDaylight, OpenStack, oVirt, Puppet, SaltStack, the Xen Project and more.
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