American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
See the following -
Can Doctors Teach The Body To Cure Cancer?
Increasingly, doctors are using their patients' own immune systems as valuable weapons against the disease...
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Expensive Drugs Forcing Cancer Doctors To Weigh Price
...With new cancer drugs priced as high as $10,000 a month and more, and insurers tightening payment rules, patients who thought they were well covered increasingly find themselves having to make life-altering decisions about what they can afford.
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mCode Initiative Open Sources Common Cancer Data Platform and Standards to Improve EHR Data Interoperability
In an effort to advance cancer data sharing and improve the quality and coordination of patient care, three of the nation's leading health and technology organizations have established a core set of data elements and recommended technical specifications (the Minimal Common Oncology Data Elements, or "mCODE") that are essential for capturing and reporting the characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of every cancer patient and should be contained in each patient's electronic health record (EHR).
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On the Financial Conflicts of Interests of Medical Societies and Rising Drug Prices
The notion that health care prices are high and are rising continuously in the US should hardly be novel...We first posted about high drug prices in July, 2005, with the example of BilDil...But only a few days later we noted that three cancer costs had yearly costs in the five figures, and one, Erbitux, cost as much as $100,000. Most amazingly we noted that Thalidomid was priced at $25,000 a year...Since then, the ridiculously high prices of many tests and treatments, but most notably new drugs and devices, has been so widely covered, our discussion has been limited to special cases.,,
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Oncologists Call For Single Payer In Leading Cancer Journal
A feature article published today in the Journal of Oncology Practice contains an evidence-based appeal by two oncologists, including a past president of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), for their colleagues to endorse a single-payer health system. Read More »
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