I recently participated in a nationwide (not the United States) healthcare IT planning effort and one recommendation was universal availability of patient portals. Several reviewers commented that patient portal is a loaded term - it implies that clinicians control the data and patients are given a view into it. One person said, “that’s so 10 years ago.” BIDMC has been working with patient/family shared medical records, Open Notes and various consumer-facing apps since 1999. Over that time we've discovered that patients typically do not want raw data, they want something actionable - the tools necessary to assist their navigation through the healthcare process...
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
See the following -
VA Lays Out Plans for Cloud-Based Digital Health Platform
The Department of Veterans Affairs has developed a blueprint for a cloud-based technology platform that will integrate veteran data from VA, military and commercial electronic health records, as well as apps, devices and wearables, so that the information is available to providers in real time. While the VA is still finalizing plans for how it implements the Digital Health Platform (DHP), the agency has a strategy in place that is seen as the future path for providing next-generation healthcare to millions of the nation's veterans...
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Veterans Health Administration Thinks Key to Interoperability May Be in the Cloud
The giant Veterans Health Administration is poking its head into the cloud to see if therein lies the key to sharing data within and outside of its sprawling healthcare delivery system. The goal of the Digital Health Platform is to pull patient data from the VA, military and commercial electronic health record systems, applications, devices and wearables and send it to a patient's healthcare team in real-time. That would allow patients to more easily obtain health care from physicians and hospitals outside of VA facilities, but some experts say a cloud-based platform also leaves it vulnerable to hackers...
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VillageMD Launches DocOS™ Leveraging Open Source Frameworks to Accelerate the Transformation of Primary Care
VillageMD, a leading national provider of primary care, has launched DocOS™, its purpose-built digital healthcare system, that allows clinicians and patients to engage in patient care free from artificial physical or technical barriers. With this ambient technology, physicians have access to critical patient information and insights that allows them to practice medicine optimally, all without changing their existing EHR. Read More »
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Visual Search Goes Open Source
Visual Search is now open source. Zappen® and Yes Exactly, Inc.® today announced a FOSS production-ready framework for mobile application development utilizing computer vision, image recognition, and augmented reality (AR) technologies. Previously, working implementations of visual search have only been available through proprietary APIs such as that offered by Google Lens (still in beta)...
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What is Patient and Family Engagement?
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Why Cloud for Health IT? Sharing our Experience at careMESH
If you want true, robust security, it is increasingly difficult to argue against cloud, given the advancements and growth in major service providers such as Google, Amazon, or Microsoft. No matter how many security staff members or how much cybersecurity experience you have, the major service providers have more. It's no surprise that across industries, investment in cloud computing, storage and infrastructure are predicted to grow at a rate of 17% annually over the next 3 years.[i]
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Why EHR Interoperability Requires Health IT Infrastructure
Healthcare organizations are still challenged by EHR interoperability, and are seeking health IT infrastructure tools to ensure data is accurately, efficiently, and securely shared. Eagle Physicians and Associates and Cone Health announced the successful exchange between the eClinicalWorks cloud-based EHR and the Epic EHR for improved EHR interoperability among multiple locations and health systems. Eagle Physicians needed a way to provide better quality care to patients as those individuals move among locations...
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Why Keep Open States Going?
We announced earlier this month that Open States—a project covered on Opensource.com in 2011—is now being maintained by the original creators of the project, a community of Sunlight Foundation alumni and other volunteers. After a year of scant staffing culminating in the closure of Sunlight Labs, we expect that getting Open States fully operational again will take a significant effort, and we know from experience that maintaining the menagerie of scrapers into the future isn't easy either. (That's why we're looking for volunteers and donations.) So why, despite the challenges, are we taking on this project? Why do we think that Open States matters so much? And where do we plan on taking this tool going forward?...
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Why Making the Case for Interoperability Standards Is Needed
It's buzzy. It's the fly in the ointment for many and vendors swear it's seriously. just. about. to. gain. traction. Interoperability. Thinking about the topic is daunting itself but for those on the frontlines of care delivery and for patients, its increasingly becoming necessary as the healthcare industry enters into a more networked era. When we last checked in on interoperability, the industry was touting the massive adoption of EHRs...
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Why We Open-Sourced Our Uptime Monitoring System
About a month ago, Sourcegraph released Checkup, an open-source, self-hosted uptime monitoring system written by Matt Holt. Following its release, a lot of people asked us how we were using Checkup at Sourcegraph. Today, we’re sharing our public status page, powered by Checkup, and laying out some of the big advantages we’ve found using an open-source health check tool...
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With Apple consulting Argonaut Project on health records, interoperability could get the push it needs
Apple is said to be working with the Argonaut Project to integrate more electronic health data with the iPhone, a move experts say could go a long way towards advancing medical record interoperability. Participants in the Argonaut Project – an HL7-led initiative focused on expanding the use of open standards for health data exchange, notably HL7's FHIR specification – are some of the industry’s most notable vendors and providers: Accenture, athenahealth, Cerner, Epic, McKesson, Meditech, Surescripts, The Advisory Board Company, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Intermountain Healthcare, Mayo Clinic, Partners HealthCare...
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ZH Healthcare Exhibits the BlueEHR Platform at HIMSS17
ZH Healthcare brings blueEHR, a flexible and user-friendly EHR and Health-IT-as-a-Service (HITaaS™) solution to the exhibit floor for the 2017 HIMSS Conference & Exhibition, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, from Feb. 19–23, 2017. More than 40,000 healthcare industry professionals are expected at the conference, where they will gain expert insights during the exchange of innovative ideas and best practices in improving health through IT, and have an opportunity to hear ZH Healthcare's CEO, Shameem Hameed, speak on the topic of "Unleashing the Value of HITaaS" in the Innovation Zone, on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 2:00pm ET. Read More »
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Code4Health and Interoperability, In partnership with NHS England
Building on the success of Code4Health* , NHS England is launching the Code4Health Interoperability Community with a specific remit of co-creating a common and open set of APIs to support information sharing across health and care. Governed by a community nominated project board, made up of representatives from the supplier community, local providers as well as reps from ‘the Centre’, together the group will develop and host of a prioritised catalogue of APIs for use across health and social care.
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tranSMART Foundation 2016 Annual Meeting
The tranSMART Foundation Annual Conference will be held at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) in La Jolla, CA on October 25-27, 2016. The tranSMART Foundation is a non-profit organization whose aim is to provide a global open source, open data, cloud-based knowledge management platform that allows scientists to share pre-competitive translational research data...
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Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC) 2017
The annual Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (formerly known as the MMIS Conference) brings together thought leaders from the public and private sectors to share ideas and information related to Medicaid systems and initiatives. It includes more than 1,500 participants and will have more than 100 sessions. This year's conference is particularly important as many of the presentations will be focusing on Medicaid's open source/modular strategy for modernizing Medicaid's platforms and integrating with health information solutions.
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