See the following -
HHS Harnesses the Power of Health Data to Improve Health
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), along with the Institute of Medicine (IoM) and other members of the Health Data Consortium, are co-hosting the third annual “Datapalooza” focusing on innovative applications and services that harness the power of open data from HHS and other sources to help improve health and health care.
Humetrix Invited to Present its iBlueButton® Mobile Solutions on the Main Stage of the Health Data Initiative Forum III, Health Datapalooza.
Humetrix is pleased to announce that it will be presenting its award winning iBlueButton® mobile apps on the main stage of the third edition of Health Data Initiative Forum, Health Datapalooza, which will be held at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. June 5-6, 2012. Read More »
Meaningful Use Payouts Exceed $5 Billion
Total payouts to hospitals and eligible professionals in the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs exceeded $5 billion through April of this year. But the number of new registrations among EPs dropped in April for the second month in a row, according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Read More »
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Only Trump Can Go To Single-Payer
Today, I want to submit to you that only Trump can make single-payer health care happen in this country. Only a billionaire, surrounded by a cabinet of billionaires, representing a party partial to billionaires, can make that hazardous 180 degrees political turn and better the lives of the American people, and perhaps the entire world as a result. Oh, I know it’s too soon to make this observation, but note that both Mr. Nixon and Mr. Begin were deeply resented (to put it mildly) in their times, by the same type of people who find Mr. Trump distasteful today.
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Park: Health Data ‘Out of Control’
Health data is starting to get out of control. Fortunately, says Federal Chief Technology Officer Todd Park, that’s a good thing, especially with the number of new companies taking to the data and entering government challenges.
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Shahid Shah Predicts CMS Value-Based Payments Will Drive Adoption of Open Source in Health IT
Shahid Shah, the CEO of Netspective, is one of the most knowledgeable healthIT voices in the world, and he's also is optimist when it comes to open source in health care. Leonard Kish talked with Shahid about open source in health care and where it's headed in the hallways at HIMSS16. Shahid believes open source is just picking up steam because open source is about building connections and driving middleware. That's just the place that healthcare is at at the moment.
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The Evolving Landscape of Health Information Exchange
The original vision for nationwide health information exchange was a “network of networks” model where local HIEs would interact HIE-to-HIE to form a virtual national network. But notice that many of the new initiatives are essentially solving a different problem: they are enabling point-to-point connections across a wider geography and set of clinical sites. This seems more like a large, single national network rather than leverage of more distributed organizations or implementations. Only time will tell if these private sector initiatives will collaborate, converge or compete. And only time will tell of the limitations of ONC’s ability to influence and provide leadership will creates gaps or provide new opportunities for innovation.
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The Fiscal Consequences Of The Affordable Care Act
The view that comprehensive health care reform must make a substantial positive contribution to repairing the federal fiscal outlook was one of the motivating principles underlying the March, 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA as enacted falls well short of that standard and would significantly worsen the federal government’s fiscal position relative to previous law. Read More »
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Three Words That Health Care Should Stop Using: Insurance, Market, and Quality (Part 2 of 2)
Endless organizations such as the National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) collect quality measures, and CMS has tried strenuously to include quality measures in Meaningful Use and the new MACRA program. We actually have not a dearth of quality measures, but a surfeit. Doctors feel overwhelmed with these measures. They are difficult to collect, and we don’t know how to combine them to create easy reports that patients can act on. There is a difference between completing a successful surgery, caring for things such as pain and infection prevention after surgery, and creating a follow-up plan that minimizes the chance of readmission. All those things (and many more) are elements of quality.
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U.S. Paid Extra $13 Billion for Some Veterans' Care: Study
The U.S. government paid billions of dollars for the medical care of some older veterans twice, according to a new study published on Tuesday. Read More »
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With MU Deadline Approaching, Feds Publish Useful Primer
It’s funny how deadlines can focus the mind. For example, healthcare providers who want to make the most financially of the HITECH incentives need to begin by the end of this year, and many providers still aren’t clear on the necessary steps.
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OpenExpo 2017
OpenExpo 2017 is a conference designed for professionals and companies interested in topics related to open source software and open world economy, such as open data, open innovation, and free software. More than 3,000 attendees are expected to attend this one-day event, including open source developers, experts and hackers, as well as representatives for major companies and institutions, suppliers, and users of all levels. As the largest event in Spain related to open source software, free software, and open world economy, OpenExpo 2017 aims to promote sharing, discovery, and evaluation of industry trends and solutions...
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