Data Transparency Coalition (DTC)
See the following -
Is The White House Trying To Blow Up An Open Data Bill?
The case for open data is pretty straightforward: Citizens deserve access to the information created with their tax dollars. Publishing that data in a format that's easy to search, sort and download could unleash a wave of innovation. If the private sector had access to government data it could find new ways to leverage it -- creating new services for consumers and new jobs. Right now, we're a long way from that ideal. Read More »
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U.S. House Passes Historic Open Government Bill, Sending It On To The White House
This afternoon, the United States House of Representatives passed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA) of 2013, voting to send S.994, the bill that enjoyed unanimous support in the U.S. Senate earlier this month, on to the president’s desk. The DATA Act is the most significant open government legislation enacted by Congress in generations, going back to the Freedom of Information Act in 1966...
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