David Whiles
See the following -
Medsphere Enhances OpenVista EHR System for Meaningful Use
Medsphere Systems Corporation, a pioneer in open-source healthcare enterprise solutions, today announced the generally available (GA) release of the enhanced OpenVista® electronic health record (EHR) platform, which is currently being installed across the Medsphere client base.
Midland Memorial Hospital is Live with EHR Doctors, Inc. on the NHIN
EHR Doctors, Inc. and Midland Memorial Hospital announced today that Midland Memorial Hospital is now live with the Social Security Administration (SSA) MEGAHIT project. EHR Doctors, Inc. became the first nationwide health information exchange to connect to the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN) and the SSA MEGAHIT project.
Oroville Hospital CEO Tells the Story of their Successful VistA EHR Self-Implementation at VistA Expo 2011
One of most exciting presentations at the VistaEXPO 2011 conference was given by Robert Wentz, Hospital Administrator and CEO of Oroville Hospital, a regional hospital in the beautiful mountains of Northern California. Oroville Hospital has achieved a whole series of milestones in close partnership with the VistA community. These range from a full implementation of VistA in the hospital and most of its 20 clinics, to the achievement of full meaningful use certification.