Direct Project
See the following -
Escaping The EHR Trap — The Future Of Health IT
It is a widely accepted myth that medicine requires complex, highly specialized information-technology (IT) systems. This myth continues to justify soaring IT costs, burdensome physician workloads, and stagnation in innovation — while doctors become increasingly bound to documentation and communication products that are functionally decades behind those they use in their “civilian” life.
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Google Joins VistA Team Proposing Open Source EHR for the Department of Defense
Google has thrown its hat into the EHR ring by joining the team led by PwC which is proposing that the Department of Defense (DoD) upgrade their current EHR to Defense Operational Readiness Health System (DORHS), a customized application built for the DoD and based on VistA, the open source EHR developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)...Google’s participation has enormous implications for both the DoD’s EHR and to the healthcare industry as a whole. By choosing the open source EHR team, Google...has sent a clear message to the world that VistA is the best option for the DoD.
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Hospital Mergers Make HIE Integration Even Tougher
...hospitals continue to merge and sell out to larger health systems, in some cases at an almost manic pace. I don’t have the space to list even a few of the mergers that are dominating business coverage, but I’m sure you know of one in almost every market where you work or have business. These mergers will frequently bring together different EMRs, or even the same EMR configured differently. Not only that, within each hospital, in all likelihood the EMR will have been integrated with internal departments and systems differently. In other words, even two Epic systems aren’t going to marry up easily.
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How Open Source Is Enhancing Healthcare
With the recent development in software technology, many application systems are now competing for medical attention. Healthcare (or what we can call it as medical software) is evolving rapidly through communications, record-keeping system to a source of decision support, consequently, playing an active role in clinical service. However, unlike many other services, medical software is not very well regulated and places like a safety burden and cost of ineffective use solely depend on the physicians...
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Integrating EHRs to Clinical Research EDC Systems
It has been a longstanding challenge to integrate patient data from EMRs (Electronic Medical Record systems) with EDC (Electronic Data Capture) systems for clinical studies and trials...These hurdles have been so high that the task has rarely been attempted in earnest, let alone accomplished in any significant way. That is until recently. How are these challenges being overcome today? What changes have allowed this integration to be to considered and implement today? The answer is: lots!
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Interoperability among Connected Medical Devices Can Potentially Transform Healthcare
Connected health infrastructure is emerging as a binding agent for diverse devices and workflows, aiding diagnosis, monitoring and prevention in the healthcare industry. For such an infrastructure to be efficient, stakeholders must first ensure that interoperability and connectivity standards are in place. New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Healthcare and Medical Device Connectivity and Interoperability, finds that the adoption of connected healthcare infrastructure is not uniform across the world. This is primarily due to the lack of a holistic digital healthcare strategy that focuses on integrated care models.
John Halamka Looks Back at 2014
2014 was quite a year. Thinking back to December 2013, I cannot believe that so much has happened. Let’s take a look at the major HIT events that shaped 2014 and what they portend for 2015 Read More »
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Medical Imaging in the Cloud: A Conversation About eMix
Over the past few weeks I've been talking to staff at DR Systems about medical imaging in the cloud. DR Systems boasts of offering the first cloud solution for sharing medical images, called eMix. Read More »
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ONC Goes Hollywood to Showcase Health IT
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT is going Hollywood, or at least contracting a California production company, to create a video to explain to the public the value of health IT and how individuals can engage with their providers. Read More »
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One Nation, One EHR –The Direct Project
The essence of Health Information Exchange (HIE) lies in easily accessible health information to improve the quality of care delivered by the healthcare community. Complicated formats intrinsic to many EHR systems are generally counterproductive to this basic nature of HIEs and can prove to be a hindrance against delivering quality care. So the natural question arises... Read More »
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One-Third of Nation's Primary Care Providers Enrolled in Health IT Extension Centers
Regional health IT extension centers have signed up more than 100,000 physicians, or one third of all primary care providers in the nation, to help them deploy electronic health records, reaching its goal slightly ahead of its yearend schedule. Read More »
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Open Health Round-Up For 2014: Notable Articles, Reports, And Events
Even the hidebound field of health care can undergo a lot of change over the course of one year. Key health IT trends that I saw throughout 2014 are summarized in another article. Here I'll list some of the most notable articles and reports related to open source, standards, and transparency in health. Read More »
Palomar Health Now Testing DIRECT Messaging Technology For Secure Exchange Of Patient Information Among Health Care Providers
Pilot implementation in San Diego County health care district allows participating providers to exchange patient health information per the secure messaging protocols defined by the DIRECT Project. Read More »
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Report From HIMSS: Health Care Tries to Leap the Chasm From the Average to the Superb
I couldn't attend the session today on StealthVest--and small surprise. Who wouldn't want to come see an Arduino-based garment that can hold numerous health-monitoring devices in a way that is supposed to feel like a completely normal piece of clothing? Read More »
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State-wide Health Information Exchange (HIE) Implementation Activities
Stay abreast of the latest status of the State Health Information Exchanges (SHIE) Program, as reported on the Office of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology (ONC) web site. They have posted the figures on the implementation of state-wide health information exchanges (HIE) – for both directed exchange and query-based exchange. You can also find out more about HIE solutions at the upcoming "2013 Health Data Exchange & Interoperability Summit" being held October 30-31, 2013, in Washington D.C. Read More »
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