“Everyone is doing sequencing, but most people aren’t able to analyze their sequences as well or as quickly as they might want to,” Bedford said. “We’re trying to fill in this gap so that the World Health Organization or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — or whoever — can have better analysis tools to do what they do. We’re hoping that will get our software in the hands of a lot of people”...
Ebola virus
See the following -
Ebola Outbreak: UK Border Not Prepared For Virus Warns Immigration Service Union
General Secretary of the Immigration Service Union (ISU) Lucy Moreton says the border is not prepared to deal with the Ebola outbreak and staff do not know what to do if they suspect someone of being sick...
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Ebola Victim Widow: I Fear An Outbreak In The US
The American widow of Patrick Sawyer, the Liberian government official who died after contracting Ebola says she fears that there could be an outbreak of the virus in the US...
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Experts support a future Manhattan Project for Biodefense to thwart new threats
An effort similar to the Manhattan Project - in which American-led R&D produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II - is needed now in defense against the growing global threats posed by infectious diseases and bioterrorism, sources said Thursday during a Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense meeting...witness panelists and attendees at the panel's first public meeting held yesterday in New York City discussed "A Manhattan Project for Biodefense: Taking Biological Threats Off the Table," a proposed national, public-private research and development undertaking that would defend the United States against biological threats.
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Here’s How Researchers In Boston Spotted The Ebola Outbreak Before The World Health Organization
On March 23 the World Health Organization announced there was an Ebola outbreak in Guinea. But a team of researchers four thousand miles away in Boston already knew that...
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I Caught Ebola In Guinea And Survived
The number of people who have contracted the Ebola virus in Guinea, according to the World Health Organization, has risen to 208 - and 136 of them have died. About half of these cases have been confirmed in a laboratory - earlier cases were not tested. Read More »
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Ingle: Officials Have Botched U.S. Response To Ebola
Because of the Ebola virus, mistrust of politicians and government agencies is growing, and they have nobody to blame but themselves. They blew it...
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Is This The Best Source Of Ebola Info?
ReliefWeb, a website operated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, stands out as a rich source of information on the spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa and the international response by governments and nongovernmental organizations worldwide...
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Is U.S. Health Care Unprepared For Ebola?
The U.S. health care apparatus is so unprepared and short on resources to deal with the deadly Ebola virus that even small clusters of cases could overwhelm parts of the system, according to an Associated Press review of readiness at hospitals and other components of the emergency medical network...
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Mobile Health Apps Have Role In Ebola Crisis
Mobile health apps could play a bigger role than they have to date in speeding the response to a global health crisis...
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Mobile Health Apps Have Role In Ebola Crisis
Mobile health apps could play a bigger role than they have to date in speeding the response to a global health crisis...
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Open Science Prize Announces Epidemic Tracking Tool as Grand Prize Winner
A prototype online platform that uses real-time visualization and viral genome data to track the spread of global pathogens such as Zika and Ebola is the grand prize winner of the Open Science Prize. The international team competition is an initiative by the National Institutes of Health, in collaboration with the Wellcome Trust and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). The winning team, Real-time Evolutionary Tracking for Pathogen Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation, created its nextstrain.org prototype to pool data from researchers across the globe, perform rapid phylogenetic analysis, and post the results on the platform’s website...
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Open Science Prize Goes to Software Tool for Tracking Viral Outbreaks
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Open Source Mobile Health Technology Assists with Maternal Care, Epidemics
Mobile health technology may be able to play a strong role in improving healthcare services in third world countries, as one case study illustrated the benefits mHealth brought to several nations in Africa. Whether it's in fighting the Ebola virus or providing maternal medical care, mobile health technology has offered key solutions that have improved the health of citizens in impoverished regions.
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Panel To Discuss 'A Manhattan Project For Biodefense' At NYC Public Meeting
The bipartisan Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense will host its first-ever public meeting in New York City this Thursday, July 11, to discuss A Manhattan Project for Biodefense - a national, public-private research and development undertaking to defend the U.S. against biological threats. These threats include biological warfare and bioterrorism, where nation-states or terror groups intentionally spread biological agents to cause widespread panic and harm, as well as infectious disease pandemics.
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Rapid Humanitarian Research Fund Kicks In For Ebola
An emergency call for research projects on Ebola that will tap into a humanitarian crisis fund is being launched today by UK-based medical research charity the Wellcome Trust and the Department for International Development. The call aims to better inform the fight against current and future Ebola outbreaks and is open to researchers worldwide in fields including anthropology, clinical management, diagnosis, disease control and prevention, ethics, health systems, social mobilisation, surveillance and treatment. Read More »
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