electronic health record

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Apixio Illuminates The Pain of Recording Patient Risk Factors (Part 1)

Andy Oram | EMR & HIPPA | October 27, 2016

Many of us strain against the bonds of tradition in our workplace, harboring a secret dream that the industry could start afresh, streamlined and free of hampering traditions. But history weighs on nearly every field, including my own (publishing) and the one I cover in this blog (health care). Applying technology in such a field often involves the legerdemain of extracting new value from the imperfect records and processes with deep roots. Along these lines, when Apixio aimed machine learning and data analytics at health care, they unveiled a business model based on measuring risk more accurately so that Medicare Advantage payments to health care payers and providers reflect their patient populations more appropriately...

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Apixio Illuminates The Pain of Recording Patient Risk Factors (Part 2)

Andy Oram | EMR & HIPPA | October 28, 2016

The previous section of this article introduced Apixio’s analytics for payers in the Medicare Advantage program. Now we’ll step through how Apixio extracts relevant diagnostic data. Providers usually submit SOAP notes to the Apixio web site in the form of PDFs. This comes to me as a surprise, after hearing about the extravagant efforts that have gone into new CCDs and other formats such as the Blue Button project launched by the VA. Normally provided in an XML format, these documents claim to adhere to standards and offer a relatively gentle face to a computer program. In contrast, a PDF is one of the most challenging formats to parse: words and other characters are reduced to graphical symbols, while layout bears little relation to the human meaning of the data...

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careMESH is the only service on the market that guarantees 100% digital delivery of patient health information to any clinician nationwide so that healthcare providers and their support teams can communicate and collaborate with each other…instantly. Our secure services, hosted on the Google Cloud Platform© and inclusive of our proprietary FHIR-based National Clinician Directory, make it possible for clinicians and their support teams to locate each other and share digital patient health information, without the burden and expense of complex integration projects. Read More »

The Impact of Open Source in the Healthcare Industry in 2014

Luis Ibáñez | Opensource.com | December 26, 2014

Healthcare is one of the most urgent socioeconomic issues of our time. This year, Opensource.com saw a variety of news and feature stories about applying the open source way and open source software (including tools) to alleviating the many problems faced by the healthcare industry. Here are this year's best of the best from Opensource.com in open health.

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OSEHRA Innovation Webinar Features VistA Programming Enhancements

Event Details
July 30, 2019 - 3:00pm - 4:00pm

OSEHRA’s July Innovation Webinar will focus on VPE,  a set of VistA Programming Utilities that aid in the navigation and development of code in either VistA or RPMS. While VPE was initially designed with VistA in mind, it can also be effective in other MUMPS environments. This Webinar will give you an update on VPE, focusing particularly on the new features of VPE v15.

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