
See the following -

Beyond Net Neutrality

Timothy B. Lee | Vox | May 2, 2014

...Last week Wheeler announced a new set of network neutrality regulations. The details haven't been released yet, but press accounts indicate that Wheeler's proposal will allow internet service providers to offer a "fast lane" for online services, a concept that's anathema to network neutrality stalwarts...

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Big Brother Would Like To Warn You About Big Brother, Inc.

Philip Bump | The Wire | May 2, 2014

...The new report, titled "Big Data: Seizing opportunities, preserving values," tries to flesh out what those private-sector ramifications might be...The report is the White House "hoping to move the national debate over privacy beyond the National Security Agency’s surveillance activities to the practices of companies like Google and Facebook," as the paper puts it...

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Big Data in Healthcare’s True Promise: Better Individualized Care

Frank X. Speidel | HIT Consultant | July 15, 2013

Frank X. Speidel, MD shares his insights on how big data in healthcare can be harnessed for better, faster and more individualized patient care. Read More »

Blog: Open-source, open government

Joseph Conn | Modern Healthcare | October 4, 2012

I have to give a hat tip to Facebook friend Peter Groen for pointing me to this fascinating TED lecture by technology guru Clay Shirky. Shirky, who holds several appointments at New York University, has never limited his futuristic gaze to the confines of healthcare, but he is well known among the health IT pundit class.

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Browse Your Library’s e-Journals On Your Device With BrowZine

Megan von Isenburg | iMedicalApps | January 8, 2015

Review of BrowZine for iPhone, iPad, and Android...

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Can Cell Phones Stop Crime In The World's Murder Capitals?

Uri Friedman | The Atlantic | May 7, 2014

...In recent years, police have courted cell phone-toting citizens as crime "censors" everywhere from Washington, D.C. to the tiny Kenyan village of Lanet Umoja. But the practice has gained particular traction in Latin America, which, as the UN reported in April, has the highest rate of criminal violence on the planet (the region accounts for 8 percent of the world's population and a third of its murders)...

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Challenges to Expect When Open Sourcing your SaaS Business

In my previous article, I walked through scenarios to help you determine whether to open source your SaaS solution, and discussed the cost-benefit analysis that goes along with this decision. From an open source point of view, there's no point in just chucking code over the wall, slapping on an open source license, and calling it a day. You want to create an inviting community where people want to collaborate and spend time-even socialize!-with you. Chucking code over the wall accomplishes nothing, besides giving others insight into how you do things. Although that may be interesting and beneficial for them, you don't get much benefit unless you create the pathways of collaboration and communication that unlock a thriving community. Thus, you have an inherent interest in doing this The Right Way™.

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Couchbase and the Future of NoSQL Databases

Couchbase is a NoSQL, document-oriented database for building interactive applications. Trends in the open source database industry show positive growth as NoSQL is used for web, mobile, and the Internet of Things (IoT). In this interview, Arun Gupta, VP of Developer Advocacy at Couchbase, shares his views on how open source has made an impact on the database industry, and the challenges that lie ahead for the NoSQL industry. Also, find out which open source tools and methodologies Couchbase has adopted...

Cover Oregon Should Have Used Open-Source Software: Guest Opinion

John Miller | Oregon Live | March 3, 2014

To me, guest columnist Charles Jennings accurately represents the old school IT mentality - "No one ever got fired for buying IBM."  I couldn't gather from his essay whether he knows anything about modern software development methodology.

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Defense Department Needs to Embrace Open Source or Military Will Lose Tech Superiority

Ms. Smith | Network World | August 31, 2016

The Department of Defense needs to move past open source myths that have been debunked and jump on the open source bandwagon or the Department of Defense (DoD) and U.S. military will not be able to maintain tech superiority, warns a Center for a New American Security (CNAS) report. Open source software is used in the Pentagon, which should strongly suggest that open source is not an unsecure and vulnerable hot mess. Yet the DoD overall is stuck in the past, clinging to “erroneous and unfounded misunderstandings about open source software.” Those misconceptions often mean open source is not even considered as a viable option for DoD software projects...

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Democratizing Deep Learning With An iPhone App And Open Source SDK

Derrick Harris | GIGAOM | April 24, 2014

Most people will never have the computer science knowledge to become deep-learning researchers, but now they can test out the results of that work with a simple computer vision iPhone app called Deep Belief. iOS developers can take Deep Belief a step further by downloading an open source software development kit and working its object-recognition capabilities into their own apps.

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Department of Health and Human Services Innovations Team Is Connecting with You!

Steven Randazzo | GovLoop | September 13, 2012

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Innovation Team is taking new steps to make it easier for people to connect and find information on our innovation activities. As an example, we have used Twitter to promote the first time public voting for selecting input on the HHSinnovates Program. Read More »

Department of Veterans Affairs Goes Social

Lori Mehen | OpenSource.com | January 12, 2012

In an effort to help break down long-perceived barriers between the Department of Veterans Affairs and its stakeholders, the VA announced that it has established Facebook pages for all 152 of its medical centers. By leveraging Facebook, the department hopes to continue expanding access to the VA and embrace transparency and two-way conversation. Read More »

Did Facebook Miss A Massive Opportunity By Building A Walled Garden Instead Of A Truly Open Platform?

Matthew Ingram | GigaOM | July 24, 2013

When Facebook launched its platform strategy in 2007, it seemed as though the social network wanted to create a kind of social operating system anyone could use and build on — but the reality has turned out to be something very different. Read More »

Digital Political Candidates Driven by Technology

Jessica Meyer Maria | Govtech.com | June 29, 2012

What technology has done...is allowed candidates at every level to connect via personalized message with vast numbers of voters, creating platforms for two-way conversations and feedback. The future of campaigning will only grow more targeted and personal, merging the physical and the virtual. Read More »