
See the following -

Building Blocks For Open Source Hardware

Eric Evenchick | Eric Evenchick | January 17, 2013

Many open source designs are based on existing hardware. This approach lets you prototype your design using an off the shelf development board, then move to your own PCB design once you're confident with your design. It's a popular and effective way to build a product... Read More »

How to Create an Internal Innersource Community

In recent years, we have seen more and more interest in a variance of open source known as innersource. Put simply, innersource is taking the principles of open source and bringing them inside the walls of an organization. As such, you build collaboration and community that may look and taste like open source, but in which all code and community is private within the walls of the organization. As a community strategy and leadership consultant, I work with many companies to help build their innersource communities. As such, I thought it could be fun to share some of the most important principles that map to most of my clients and beyond. This could be a helpful primer if you are considering exploring innersource inside your organization...

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