Genetech Inc.
See the following -
Big Pharma Opens New Chapter On Big Data Collaboration
In the course of one short week, no less than 3 different models have emerged for sharing big data in the pharmaceutical industry. The highest profile of these ‒ called Project Data Sphere (PDS here) ‒ was announced earlier today with the official opening of an online resource to share clinical trial data for use in cancer research.
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More Data, Better Drugs: Genetech, PatientsLikeMe Ink Groundbreaking Research Pact
Genentech Inc. will mine the deep online patient network of PatientsLikeMe to pinpoint ways of using patients' real experience with diseases and drugs for better research. The five-year agreement is the first broad research collaboration between Cambridge, Mass.-based PatientsLikeMe and a drug company, but it also demonstrates how open-source research and social media are increasingly tapped by companies to get real-world insights into diseases and how patients respond to treatments.
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