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National Association for Trusted Exchange to administer Blue Button Plus Trust Bundles, initiating a second phase of NATE PHR Pilot
The National Association for Trusted Exchange (NATE) is pleased to begin supporting the Blue Button Plus Initiative to help patients and providers securely exchange electronic health information...NATE will administer the Consumer Trust Bundles, which are a way for participating patients and providers to indicate their involvement in the Blue Button Initiative.
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New Blue Button Directory Unveiled at HIMSS17
The National Association for Trusted Exchange (NATE) today unveiled NATE's Blue Button Directory (NBBD) at the HIMSS17 annual conference in Orlando, FL. This FHIR-based solution is the newest prototype being developed by NATE to make it easier for consumers and providers to share data to improve outcomes. Consumers are actively requesting their medical records and providers want to share them but there is often a workflow disconnect between the two. As part of the Federal Health Architecture's vignette in the HIMSS17 Interoperability Showcase (Level 2 | Lobby F | Tangerine Ballroom | Booth 9000), NATE and its partners are demonstrating how a simple enabling infrastructure can alleviate this problem...
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On the Need for Human-Centered Design in EHRs
Health information technology (HIT) has become the hottest political issue in Washington. The healthcare industry in the United States is facing a crisis as medical facilities have spent hundreds of billions of dollars implementing electronic health record (EHR) systems, yet patients and the physicians and nurses that care for them are seeing few benefits. Congress has been holding hearings focused on detailing the problems and trying to write legislation that will provide a solution to the crisis. The HIT interoperability bill drafted by Rep. Michael C. Burgess (R-TX) is one example. These are welcome first steps. However, none of the bills currently before Congress, and none of the hearings, are addressing the two most important issues facing medical providers today. These are lack of EHR usability, and the inability to have a patients’ entire medical record at the point of care.
ONC Announces Winners Of Blue Button + Challenge
The winner of ONC’s Blue Button Co-Design Challenge, the third challenge this year, is GenieMD! Read More »
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ONC Announces Winners of Blue Button + Challenge
The winner of ONC’s Blue Button Co-Design Challenge, the third challenge this year, is GenieMD! What was the focus of this Blue Button Challenge? This Challenge tasked developers with creating apps that implement and use Blue Button + functionality to address one of several patient problems. [...]
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ONC Reveals Winning Apps For Blue Button Plus Challenge
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has awarded the first-, second-, and third-place finishers of the Blue Button Plus (+) Challenge, according HealthITBuzz. Read More »
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ONC Reveals Winning Apps For Blue Button Plus Challenge
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has awarded the first-, second-, and third-place finishers of the Blue Button Plus (+) Challenge, according HealthITBuzz.
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Open Health Guide to HIMSS19
The annual gargantuan HIMSS conference is back in Orlando with over 45,000 participants from more than 90 countries. There will be more than 1,300 vendors at the exhibit floor and more than 300 educational sessions. As with the last several conferences, the focus on open source as the key underlying technologies of health information technologies continues to increase. In previous conferences, we have seen the rise of open source technologies, in particular, those related to interoperability such as FHIR and Blockchain. A large number of sessions at HIMSS19 will be focused on another set of technologies powered largely by open source software and design principles such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and natural language processing.
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Q&A: Bettina Experton Talks About The iBlueButton App
Humetrix has given the iBlueButton a technical design boost as a multi- and cross-platform health information hub that patients and providers can use to share health data at the point of care with the most popular mobile tools. Read More »
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RedWood MedNet and CaHIE to Host Major Open Health Information Exchange (HIE) Conference
Leaders of major open source projects in healthcare and the open health HIE community are gathering for the annual Redwood MedNet Conference in Santa Rosa, CA next Thursday and Friday, July 24-25. While the focus of this conference is the growing open source HIE movement in California, the conference will feature successful open HIE implementations from around the world, including the extraordinary OpenHIE effort in Rwanda, and critical lessons for any HIE and health information organizations (HIOs) that want to develop cost-effective and successful interoperable solutions. Read More »
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Saving Lives One App At A Time
Although health and fitness apps have been featured at CES for some time, this year, Humetrix will showcase two medical apps designed to save lives and improve health outcomes: ICEBlueButton [...] and iBlueButton [...]. Read More »
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With the use of the app in an emergency anywhere around the world, individuals create and share the information they want emergency responders to know (such as a severe allergy, medications, conditions, emergency contacts, etc.), and can call for help with the use of an emergency call button all directly on their smartphones or smartwatch. The personal information record created with SOS QR is securely stored/ encrypted on the user’s smartphone so that it is available at any time even when no internet connection is available such as in a disaster scenario.
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Tech Giants Back White House Open Source Health IT Initiative
Six major technology companies have thrown their support behind the White House's initiative to use an open source, collaborative, approach to accelerate the progress of health data standards and interoperability and to give patients access and control of their medical records. The companies; Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and Salesforce signed a pledge that was presented at the White House's Blue Button 2.0 developer conference. The conference took place last Monday. Dean Garfield, president and CEO of the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) told the press that “As transformative technologies like cloud computing and artificial intelligence continue to advance, it is important that we work towards creating partnerships that embrace open standards and interoperability.
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TENSIO™ is an app designed by the Humetrix physician team to help anyone best manage their high blood pressure. The app integrates Apple HealthKit data from the user's monitoring devices (blood pressure monitor, activity tracker, etc.) with individual health and medical record data such as conditions and medications. TENSIO then applies medical intelligence in the form of an expert system to guide app users to manage their hypertension via periodic notifications.
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TENSIO™ Taps HealthKit Data to Put Anyone with High Blood Pressure in Control Latest App from Humetrix Set to Debut at Digital Health Summit at International CES
Humetrix is set to introduce TENSIO™, the first in a suite of healthcare apps which aim to give consumers more control and better visibility into their medical conditions. TENSIO is designed for anyone who wants to measure the effects of lifestyle and prescribed medications on blood pressure.
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