Joe Saunders

See the following -

RunSafe Security

RunSafe Security is the pioneer of a patented cyberhardening transformation process designed to disrupt attackers and protect vulnerable embedded systems and devices. With the ability to make each device functionally identical but logically unique, RunSafe Security renders threats inert by eliminating attack vectors, significantly reducing vulnerabilities and denying malware the uniformity required to propagate.

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Cyber Resilience: Protecting Data and Immunizing Software

Event Details
April 21, 2020 - 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Two of the most innovative and impactful cyber security technologies will be featured in a one hour webinar. Cyber Reliant uses a unique shredding technology to protect data at rest, in transit, and in use. RunSafe Security transforms (or "stirs") existing software binaries on devices and in embedded systems to cyber harden them against memory corruption, supply chain, and zero-day attacks. Both of these technologies function under the assumption of breach. Don't miss this opportunity to hear about these two game-changing cyber technologies and ask the presenters your questions.

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Bad Actors Find Ways In - Webinar with RunSafe and Cyber Reliant

Event Details
July 1, 2020 - 11:00am - 12:00pm

Next Wednesday (July 1 at 1100 EST) two cyber technology companies that may will be discussing how their technologies can protect data, software, and hardware, even when a network is breached, the supply chain is compromised, and nefarious insiders have access. The two companies are Cyber Reliant and RunSafe Security.

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