KeyPoint Government Solutions
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OSEHRA 2018 - Most Diverse Open Source EHR Summit to Date
This year's three-day OSEHRA Open Source Summit promises to be the most diverse ever, highlighting open source initiatives across a dozen Federal and State agencies, and showcasing industry progress in key areas such as emerging hybrid proprietary/open source interoperability solutions and synthetic patient data generation...This year's agenda includes a combination of engaging track sessions, town-hall discussion, and plenary events. The content will be exceptionally diverse, including: An interoperability platform demonstration drawing healthcare data from multiple health record systems; A demonstration of synthetic patient data generation, including the first public demonstration of tailored synthetic data being loaded into the open source VistA Electronic Health Record (EHR) via a new open source data loader...
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OSEHRA 2018: Perspecta Sponsors Open Source EHR Summit
OSEHRA is delighted to welcome Perspecta as the Conference Sponsor for our 7th Annual Open Source Summit, to be held this July 18 – 20, 2018. Officially launched less than a week ago on June 1st, Perspecta was formed through a merger of the U.S. Public Sector Business of DXC Technology with Vencore Holding Corporation and KeyPoint Government Solutions. Those of you who follow the industry know that DXC Technology was the result of a massive merger of Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) and HP Enterprise Services (which also included EDS). So, while the name is new, Perspecta will bring a wealth of experience (and yes, perspective!) to this year’s event.
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