Last weekend, I started a process that some may consider regressive. I began deleting my social media accounts to improve the signal to noise ratio in my life. 10 years ago I wrote about the importance of social media and building networks of colleagues, collaborators and relationships. During that decade our social norms have changed to the point that we walk off cliffs, text while driving, and document every microsecond of our lives on devices that have become the centerpiece of our waking hours. The problem has gotten so profound that Google has introduced artificial intelligence technology to respond to messaging for you - “LOL”, “cute dog”, “a movie at 7pm is great”...
See the following -
MedicaSoft to Demonstrate the Capabilities of Advanced Web Technologies for EHRs at HIMSS16
Our team prides itself on using cutting edge software technologies that maximize everything from interoperability to speed, integration, reliability, and usability. We use Angular.js to build our user Interface. Angular.js is a technology that was invented at Google and used by Google for its own products. We use Node.js for the serverside logic. Node.js allows us to provide incredibly fast transactions and again, use technology from this decade, unlike other health IT solutions. Node.js is growing at an exponential rate in industry – well, other industries, not healthcare.
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Open Source Databases Keep Chipping Away At Oracle’s Empire
The three fastest growing databases of 2014 were all open source, according to a new report from DB-Engines, a site that tracks popularity in the rapidly changing database marketplace...
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Reducing My Digital Burden
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Social Media: An Asset to Saving Millions
The amount of women and children that die hourly from preventable incidences can be compared to the amount of persons that died during the recent Dana clash that claimed 154 lives in Lagos in June. Read More »
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Sometimes Innovation Requires Disobedience
The M.I.T. Media Lab is taking nominations for its Disobedience Award, which was first announced last year. As the award's site proudly quotes Joi Ito, the Director of the Lab and who came up with the idea: "You don't change the world by doing what you are told." I love it. The site, and the award's proponents, make clear that they are not talking about disobedience for the sake of disobedience. It's not about breaking laws. They're promoting "responsible disobedience," rule-breaking that is for the sake of the greater good. The site specifies...
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The Chipotle Corporate Sabotage Theory Returns
Yet another outbreak of foodborne illness last week at Chipotle Mexican Grill did what it usually does to the burrito chain: The stock price plummeted. It's bad news—particularly for the patrons who got sick—but it's a boon for anyone that had the foresight to short the stock. The latest outbreak was first noted by, a website that crowdsources reports of customer illnesses following visits to restaurants...
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The Microsoft Empire Strikes Back: Makes Major Inroads into Healthcare
It seems deeply ironic that a week after I wrote about how even giant companies eventually get surpassed, I'm writing about the resurgence of one such giant, Microsoft. Last week Microsoft won back the title of world's most valuable company (as measured by market cap), passing Apple. Apple had that distinction since 2012; Microsoft hasn't had it since 2002. Admittedly, Microsoft was only able to pass Apple because a recent tech stock downturn dropped Apple from its record trillion-dollar valuation, and, as of this writing, Apple has pulled back in front again, but the fact that it is a race again says a lot about Microsoft.
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Using It or Losing It? The Case for Data Scientists Inside Health Care
As much as 30% of the entire world’s stored data is generated in the health care industry. A single patient typically generates close to 80 megabytes each year in imaging and electronic medical record (EMR) data. This trove of data has obvious clinical, financial, and operational value for the health care industry, and the new value pathways that such data could enable have been estimated by McKinsey to be worth more than $300 billion annually in reduced costs alone. If appropriate investments in data science are not made in-house, then hospitals and health systems will run the risk of becoming reliant on outsiders to analyze the data that ultimately will be used to inform decisions and drive innovation”...
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What open source means for the Average Joe or Jodi
Ask just about any person you meet whether they are using open source software (OSS) and the chances are good you will be met by a blank stare. Read More »
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What The White House Learned From LinkedIn And The Use Of Big Data
One of the best presentations at the recent Big Data Innovation Summit in Boston was by LinkedIn Senior Data Scientist Yael Garten. Garten, who leads LinkedIn's Mobile Data Analytics team, in a presentation entitled Data Infused Product Design & Insights at LinkedIn provided a glimpse of how big data is used by LinkedIn to explore usage patterns, on mobile devices, for instance. Read More »
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Why Privacy Policies Are So Inscrutable
The agreements of the 50 most popular websites in America are composed of 145,641 words. This is why...
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