Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMT)
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Exclusive: Pentagon Withholds Internal Report About Flawed $2.7 Billion Intel Program
Gordon Lubold, Shane Harris | Foreign Policy | March 18, 2014
The Army has spent years defending a multibillion-dollar intelligence system that critics say costs too much and does too little. A new internal report has found that there's a simple, relatively inexpensive program that could handle many of the same jobs at a fraction of the cost.
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Program Chief: Software Problems Could Delay F-35’s Delivery Beyond 2017
Bob Brewin | Nextgov | April 25, 2013
Air Force Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan, program executive officer for the $397 billion F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, told Senate lawmakers yesterday he has concerns that software development challenges could further delay delivery of combat ready aircraft slated to complete final testing by 2019. Read More »
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