When it comes to health care, testing is not what it used to be, or what it is going to be in the not-too-distant future. For example, confirmation of a cancer diagnosis is getting much easier. The New York Times reported that blood tests -- known as "liquid biopsies" -- have now been shown to generally match the results of a tumor biopsy. The blood tests look for DNA fragments from the tumor that signal its presence. The liquid biopsies are useful for both detecting the presence of a tumor and its ongoing monitoring. The current generation of tests are not perfect, with as many as 15% of tumors not generating enough DNA to be detected, but they do offer the advantage of not requiring an invasive procedure...
See the following -
This Actually Is a Test
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This Automaker Just Joined IBM and Google as a Patron of Open-Source Software
While not as momentous as its introduction of the Prius in 1997—the first mass-produced hybrid vehicle—Toyota Motor Corp TM 0.17% quietly took another bold, industry-leading step toward technological innovation last month. The world’s largest automaker ponied up a one-time fee—believed to be $20 million—and became the eighth full member of a consortium that most people do not associate with the auto industry at all...
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Thoughts on Microsoft Open Sourcing the .NET Platform
Last Wednesday Microsoft announced they are transitioning the server side of their .NET platform to open source. As stated on their website: "Microsoft is providing the full .NET server stack in open source, including ASP.NET, the .NET compiler, the .NET Core Runtime, Framework and Libraries, enabling developers to build with .NET across Windows, Mac or Linux." Read More »
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Threat Matrix: Malware And Hacking Pose Dangers To Medical Devices
'We’re starting to attach medical devices to electronic health records, and they’re not secure.' Read More »
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Tired of Patent Wars? Use Open Source Instead
PC World — As a geek and longtime tech reporter, there are few things I love writing about more than cool new technological innovations. It never ceases to amaze me what we humans can come up with, particularly when some good technology is fueling the effort. Read More »
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To Master Tech You Must Master Software - And Open Source - Even If You're Apple
But there is a corollary: To master technology you must master open source. The real leaders in tech are understanding that to go it alone and develop software in a company cloister is foolish, expensive and time intensive.
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To Protect Voting, Use Open-Source Software
Although Russian hackers are reported to have tried to disrupt the November election with attacks on the voting systems of 39 states, the consensus of the intelligence community is that they were probably unsuccessful in their efforts to delete and alter voter data. But another national election is just 15 months away, and the risk that those working on behalf of President Vladimir Putin of Russia could do real damage — and even manage to mark your ballot for you or altering your vote — remains...
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Top 10 Amazon Cloud Challengers
Amazon may rule the roost for now, but these companies could take a big bite out of the cloud market Read More »
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Top 10 FOSS Legal Stories in 2016
The year 2016 resulted in several important developments that affect the FOSS ecosystem. While they are not strictly "legal developments" they are important for the community. For one, Eben Moglen, the general counsel of the Free Software Foundation, stepped down. Eben has been a leader on FOSS legal issues since the late 1990s and has been critical to the success of the FOSS movement. The FOSS community owes him a huge debt of gratitude, and I expect that he will continue to be active in the FOSS community. The success of FOSS adoption was dramatically illustrated when Microsoft joined the Linux Foundation and summarized in the article, Open Source Won. So, Now What? in Wired magazine...
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Top 10 Linux News Stories of 2016
They grow up so quickly. It's hard to believe that 25 years ago Linus Torvalds announced to the comp.os.minix Usenet group that he was "doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones." Since 1991, Linux has grown beyond even Torvalds' dreams. It's not a stretch to say that Linux is everywhere. Corporations large and small use Linux, and it powers computers, mobile devices, and connected hardware. Critical infrastructure relies on the stability and flexibility of Linux...
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Top 10 Open Source Legal Developments in 2015
In 2015 there were a variety of legal issues of importance to the FOSS (free and open source) community. Continuing the tradition of looking back over the top ten legal developments in FOSS, my selection of the top ten issues for 2015 is as follows:
- Settlement of Versata cases interpreting General Public License version 2 (GPLv2)
- First decision interpreting General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
- Linux programmer sues VMware for violation of GPLv2 for Linux
- Community GPL compliance
- European Commission antitrust investigation of Google and its Android operating System (Android OS)...
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Top 9 Benefits Of Open Sourcing Your Proprietary Medtech Source Code
...While the use of OSS in medical device designs is growing, the opportunity to share that device software with others is something very few medical device companies have really considered...
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Tractor Owners Using Pirated Firmware To Dodge John Deere's Ham-Fisted Attempt To Monopolize Repair
We've been noting for a while how numerous states have been pushing so-called "right to repair" bills, which would make it easier for consumers to repair their own products and find replacement parts and tools. Not surprisingly, many tech companies have been working overtime to kill these bills. That includes Apple, which recently proclaimed that Nebraska's right to repair bill would turn the state into a nefarious playground for hackers. Opposition also includes Sony and Microsoft, which both tend to enjoy a repair monopoly on their respective video game consoles...
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Trentino joins Italy's open source alliance
The Autonomous Province of Trentino - Alto Adige this week joined the ranks of Italian regional administrations that are turning their backs on proprietary software in favor of free and open source alternatives...New law affects the software choices of some 15,000 public offices in the region...
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Twitter Breaks Rank, Threatens To Fight NSA Gag Orders
Twitter threatened to launch a legal battle with the Obama administration on Thursday over gag orders that prevent it from disclosing information about surveillance of its users. Read More »
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