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Even Supporters Need To Realize That Obamacare Needs A Fundamental Fix
The administration has confirmed that the individual policies that were supposed to be cancelled because of Obamacare can now remain in force another two years. For months I have been saying millions of individual health insurance policies will be cancelled by year-end — most deferred until December because of the carriers’ early renewal programs and because of President Obama’s request the policies be extended in the states that have allowed it.
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For Many, Obama's Promise Of Health Care Choice Does Not Ring True
In her grilling on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius reiterated a frequent assertion in the Obamacare sales pitch --- consumers have options when shopping for insurance plans on the health care exchanges.
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Godzilla Has Risen: The Insurance Industry Under The ACA
...Despite all the hopes many of us had for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the current system of medical insurance is a dysfunctional nightmare...
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GOP-led states warming up to Obamacare
From the South to the heartland, cracks are appearing in the once-solid wall of Republican resistance to President Barack Obama's health care law. Ahead of a federal deadline Friday for states to declare their intentions, Associated Press reporters interviewed governors and state officials around the country, finding surprising openness to the changes in some cases. Read More »
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Government Taps Engineers From Google, Red Hat To Fix Healthcare.gov
The government has tapped engineers at Google, Oracle, and Red Hat, among other companies, to assist in untangling the problems with its online health insurance marketplace. The site, a key part of President Barack Obama's healthcare reform effort, has numerous bugs that have prevented Americans from signing up for health insurance...
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Health Care Data Breaches Have Hit 30M Patients And Counting
Welcome to Health Reform Watch, Jason Millman's regular look at how the Affordable Care Act is changing the American health-care system — and being changed by it...
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Health Care, Stop Using: Insurance, Market, and Quality (Part 1 of 2)
The health care insurance industry looks like no other insuranceAndy Oram
industry in the world. When we think of insurance, we think of paying semi-annually into a fund we hope we never need to use. But perhaps every twenty years or so, we suffer damage to our car, our house, or our business, and the insurance kicks in. That may have been true for healthcare 70 years ago, when you wouldn’t see the doctor unless you fell into a pit or came down with some illness they likely couldn’t cure anyway.
The insurance model is totally unsuited for health care today...
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Health Insurance Brokers Prepare Clients For Obamacare Sticker Shock
A California insurance broker, who sells health plans to individuals and small businesses, told me that she’s prepping her clients for a sticker shock. Her local carriers are hinting to her that premiums may triple this fall, when the plans unveil how they’ll billet the full brunt of Obamacare’s new regulations and mandates.
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Health IT Orthodoxy after the Supreme Court
The focus of ACA attention will turn to results or repeal. And while a different decision could have had ACA become a weight on HITECH and health information technology (HIT), the principally bi-partisan nature of the HIT agenda should now refocus attention almost exclusively on results for it. Read More »
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Health Reform Turns 3 Years Old
Three years ago this weekend, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. The next big deadline is Oct. 1, when states are supposed to have the new health insurance marketplaces, called exchanges, up and running. Read More »
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HealthCare.gov Gets A Redesign For Obamacare Enrollments 1st Birthday
HealthCare.gov is getting a makeover ahead of open season in November, when residents of 36 states may use the site to acquire or change their health care plans...
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HealthCare.gov Official: Expect Glitches In November
There will be hiccups, but the federal online marketplace for health insurance plans is in a far better position to handle the open enrollment period that begins Nov. 15, a top official said Thursday...
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HHS Creates New HealthCare.Gov CEO, CTO Jobs
The federal government is girding for a second wave of Healthcare.gov enrollees this fall with new positions that bring a fresh injection of technology and management expertise...
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Hospitals Are Mining Patients' Credit Card Data To Predict Who Will Get Sick
Imagine getting a call from your doctor if you let your gym membership lapse, make a habit of buying candy bars at the checkout counter, or begin shopping at plus-size clothing stores. For patients of Carolinas HealthCare System, which operates the largest group of medical centers in North and South Carolina, such a day could be sooner than they think...
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House Committee Demands Answers From CTO Megan Smith And HHS On Healthcare.Gov Data Mining
The head of the House Space, Science and Technology Committee says he might call U.S. Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith to testify about potential HealthCare.gov consumer privacy gaps...
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