Open Source Initiative (OSI), the non-profit corporation that educates about and advocates for the importance of non-proprietary software, is hosting its 2nd Deep Dive: AI event, this one focused on Defining Open Source AI. The goal is to work toward establishing a clear and defendable definition of “Open Source AI.” OSI is bringing together global experts to establish a shared set of principles that can recreate a permissionless, pragmatic and simplified collaboration for AI practitioners, similar to what the Open Source Definition has done.
open collaboration
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Lessons Learned for Building an Open Company with Transparent Collaboration
In the first part of this two-part series, Building a business on a solid open source model, I described how an open source business needs to provide a solid ground for all stakeholders, users, contributors, employees, customers, and of course investors. Foundations, licenses, and trademarks can be helpful in building an open ecosystem. Open source communities need supporting organizations to work transparently, otherwise there are barriers to contribution. Code might be public, but code dumps (like Google tends to do with Android) don't always facilitate collaboration. To encourage collaboration, you must go one step further and be proactive...
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McMaster University Announces Strategic Alliance with WELL Health to Support Canadian Doctors and Patients
WELL Health Technologies pleased to announce it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (the "MOU") with McMaster University's Department of Family Medicine that authorizes WELL to use the OSCAR brand...OSCAR, an acronym for "Open Source Clinical Application Resource", is an open-source EMR or Electronic Medical Records system created by McMaster and the open-source community to enable better care, connect clinicians and data for continuous learning, and deliver improved outcomes for patients and the health system. By using the OSCAR brand, WELL affirms its commitment to the core brand principles of open collaboration, clinician-driven innovation and ethical data practices. The MOU outlines a Strategic Alliance between WELL and McMaster for Technology Enabled Positive Health and Social Impact. Through this strategic alliance, WELL and McMaster will collaborate on initiatives that leverage OSCAR in ways that strengthen their shared commitment to ethical, innovative leadership in health and society. Read More »
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Medicines for Malaria Venture and EMBL-EBI Establish One-stop Shop for Malaria Drug Data
ChEMBL, the online drug-discovery database based at EMBL-EBI, now makes it easy to access all data pertaining to compounds from MMV’s open-access Malaria Box and other open-source malaria research initiatives. Read More »
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Microsoft and Partners Combine the Cloud, AI, Research and Industry Expertise to Focus on Transforming Health Care
...Healthcare NExT, a new initiative to dramatically transform health care, will deeply integrate greenfield research and health technology product development, as well as establish a new model at Microsoft for strategic health industry partnerships. Through these collaborations between health care partners and Microsoft’s AI and Research organization, our goal is to enable a new wave of innovation and impact using Microsoft’s deep AI expertise and global-scale cloud.This initiative includes investments in resources for our partners to capture new opportunities to apply AI to healthcare, such as the Microsoft AI in Health Partner Alliance, an expanding group of partners focused on advancing health technology. Alliance members will receive unique training and access to Microsoft technologies, engineering expertise and data sets. Read More »
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Microsoft, Amazon, Google, IBM, Oracle, and Salesforce Issue Joint Statement Making Commitment to Open Source Healthcare Interoperability
Interoperability is an overlapping set of technical and policy challenges, from data access to common data models to information exchange to workflow integration – and these challenges often pose a barrier to healthcare innovation. Microsoft has been engaged for many years on developing best practices for interoperability across industries. Today, as health IT community leaders get together at the CMS Blue Button 2.0 Developer Conference here in Washington, DC, we’re pleased to announce that Microsoft has joined with Amazon, Google, IBM, Oracle, and Salesforce in support of healthcare interoperability...
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Mozilla's Science Lab Is a Hub for the Open Research Community
Since the launch last June of Mozilla Science Lab, we’ve been working to unpack what science on the web and like the web means, and what Mozilla can do to support it. The Science Lab was created to serve as a neutral broker and hub for the open science community—a means of bridging the gap between the early adopters and the many scientists who understand the value of open science, but who have not yet (for a number of reasons) mapped that understanding onto their day-to-day workflow...
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Open Policy Alliance: A New Program To Amplify Underrepresented Voices In Public Policy Development
On behalf of the Open Source Initiative and the public policy team, I’m very pleased to share early news of our new educational program – one aimed at building and supporting a coalition of underrepresented voices from public benefit and charitable foundations. This new program – the Open Policy Alliance – seeks to empower these voices and enable them to actively participate in educating and informing US public policy decisions related to Open Source software, content, research, and education. The OPA is created in response to increased demand for public dialog and stakeholder engagement in these adjacent and related “open domains”.
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Open Source in the Worldwide COVID-19 Response
February marks the celebration of creation of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) in 1998. OSI created the standard definition of the term Open Source that helped guide many of LPI's initiatives today. Through the past year, open source provided many opportunities to organizations to continue to work, implement their projects, and continue reaching out to communities. Here are just a few examples of how open source provides opportunities through the face of COVID-19. The COVID-19 crisis brought out all the creativity of the open source movement. In every area of innovation--open source software, open data, open collaboration, and even open equipment--companies and research institutes have addressed medical and public health needs quickly. This article highlights some of the initiatives in each area.
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Open Source Initiative Hosts 2nd Deep Dive AI Event, Aims to Define ‘Open Source’ for AI
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Open Source Initiative Joins The Digital Public Goods Alliance
OSI to contribute to Digital Public Goods Alliance’s mission to address world’s most pressing economic challenges by furthering adoption of Open Source software...The DPGA is part of the response to the United Nation’s call to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. The announcement was made as part of the opening keynote at the Free and Open Source Developers Meeting (FOSDEM) and celebration of OSI’s 25 year anniversary.The DPGA is a multi-stakeholder initiative with a mission to accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in low- and middle-income countries by facilitating the discovery, development, use of and investment in digital public goods. Digital public goods are Open Source software, open data, open AI models, open standards and open content that adhere to privacy and other applicable laws and best practices, do no harm by design and help attain SDGs.
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Open Source Recognized As A Key Economic Pillar In European Union Study
A September 2021 study on the economic impact of open source software and hardware concluded that open source technologies injected EUR 65-95 billion into the European economy. This study is timely given the current rollout of the European Union's EUR 750 billion recovery investment, which has allotted 20% for digital transformation. Growing political efforts to understand and quantify the importance of open source in realizing EU digital sovereignty accentuate the study's significance. The European Union sponsored the study, which was written by Fraunhofer ISI and OpenForum Europe.
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OSEHRA 2018 - Most Diverse Open Source EHR Summit to Date
This year's three-day OSEHRA Open Source Summit promises to be the most diverse ever, highlighting open source initiatives across a dozen Federal and State agencies, and showcasing industry progress in key areas such as emerging hybrid proprietary/open source interoperability solutions and synthetic patient data generation...This year's agenda includes a combination of engaging track sessions, town-hall discussion, and plenary events. The content will be exceptionally diverse, including: An interoperability platform demonstration drawing healthcare data from multiple health record systems; A demonstration of synthetic patient data generation, including the first public demonstration of tailored synthetic data being loaded into the open source VistA Electronic Health Record (EHR) via a new open source data loader...
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OSEHRA Proposes Visionary Open Digital Health Platform for the VA
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) recently released a Request for Information (RFI) calling for advice on how to build an open, "interoperable digital health platform." The RFI received 40 responses. Only one of those was publicly released, the one from OSEHRA. That the open source EHR organization was the only one that has been open in their submissions, by itself, tells a story. There are some in the VA proposing replacing the open source VistA EHR with a "Commercial" lock-in product. Proprietary EHR vendors are circling the VA like sharks smelling blood in the water, and they don't want the public to know what they are up to...The OSEHRA response below. Note that several dozen OSEHRA member companies and associates participated in drafting this response.
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Parker Foundation Invests $250 Million in Open and Collaborative Cancer Research to Accelerate Innovation
The Parker Foundation today announced a $250 million grant to launch the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, a collaboration between many of the country's best scientists, clinicians and industry partners to lead an unprecedented cancer immunotherapy research effort. The gift is the largest single contribution ever made to the field of immunotherapy. The Parker Institute's goal is to accelerate the development of breakthrough immune therapies capable of turning cancer into a curable disease by ensuring the coordination and collaboration of the field's top researchers and quickly translating their findings into patient treatments.
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Python-based Open Source Eye Tracking Tool
I have a deep interest in educational psychology, and so I was fascinated by what I read about PyGaze—an open source toolbox for eye tracking in Python. The website told me that it runs on Linux, but I wanted to learn more about eye tracking and the role it plays in psychological research. I also wanted to know more about the project and how it is contributing to research and its implications for open source. In this interview, the lead developer for the project, Edwin Dalmaijer, who works at the University of Oxford's Department of Experimental Psychology doing research and programming, provides a fascinating description of PyGaze and the significance of eye tracking in research...
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