See the following -
CEOs/HR Execs Facing Personal Liability: Dereliction of Fiduciary Duties Triggering Labor Dept Investigations
The first shots across the bow have been fired highlighting how benefits leaders need to pay as close attention to health benefits as they have been paying to retirement plans. The most recent lawsuits name the HR leaders in the companies involved (GAP and CB&I) as defendants since they are listed as the plan administrator (sometimes CFOs are the plan administrators). It’s clear that there is going to be the increased scrutiny for health benefits that has been commonplace for retirement benefits. For example, you can Google “ERISA class action” to find the many cases surrounding retirement benefits going after plan administrators for failing in their fiduciary duties. Similar cases in healthcare could have as far-reaching implications as Obamacare in driving employers to health benefits that deliver value...
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EKF Announces Collaboration with ANGLE on Open Source Parsortix Liquid Biopsy for Cancers
ANGLE’s patented Parsortix system can harvest very rare CTCs in cancer patient blood – even when there is less than one CTC in one billion healthy cells. The resulting liquid biopsy (simple blood test) enables the investigation of mutations in the patient’s cancer for personalised cancer care. The Parsortix system is “open-source” and has been designed to work with all existing analytical procedures in the same way that the existing solid biopsy provides cancer cells for a wide variety of analytical procedures.
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Kitware Unleashes Brand-New Rendering Backend in ParaView 5.0
On behalf of the ParaView community, Kitware announces the release of ParaView 5.0. The release follows closely on the heels of ParaView 4.4, building on its features while presenting a rewrite of ParaView’s rendering backend to leverage newer OpenGL features. This major milestone in ParaView’s life cycle ensures that the open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application gets the most out of modern graphics cards and rendering systems for large data sets...
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MAPS.ME, The Award-Winning Offline Map And Navigation App, Now Available At No Charge On Major Mobile Platforms
Critically Acclaimed Navigation Tool Provides Fast, Detailed and Fully Offline Mobile Maps; Also Announces Plans to Go Open-Source in 2015...
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Monopolies On Medical Knowledge And Information Are Unethical
First, let’s acknowledge what we’re not talking about: holding onto knowledge derived from an organization’s years of hard work and learning to outperform the competition. Let’s all agree that protecting one’s secret sauce is critical to compete fiercely and win in the open market...The thing is that sharing information related to patient care is an inherent responsibility if you’re in healthcare–it runs parallel to accepting the Hippocratic Oath. But sharing alone isn’t enough; the responsibility extends to delivering consumable, usable information universally to the point of care. Ask anyone who has ever received a 1,900-page CCDA on a patient. It may very well be compliant, but it’s also absolutely useless.
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Rancho BioSciences Receives Multiple Awards from the tranSMART Foundation
Rancho BioSciences are very proud to receive several prestigious awards from the tranSMART Foundation for their services to the foundation. The awards included MVP Award as the 3C Co-Chair of the Content committee for Julie Bryant and tranSMART Superstar training awards for Tatiana Khasanova, Oksana Tyurina, John Obenauer and Viktoria Andreeva...
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Samsung Pushes Further Into Smart Home, Digital Healthcare And Virtual Reality At Developer Conference
Samsung Electronics kicked off its second annual developer conference with a bevy of announcements intended to ignite enthusiasm around its software for its wearable, digital health, virtual reality and smart home solutions...
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