open source development
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Levin Warns On NHS Open Source Approach
The former chief technology officer of the US Department of Veterans Affairs has warned that NHS England’s bid to bring open source to the health service will fail without a central authority to curate it. Read More »
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Linux Foundation Launches Public Health Initiative to Respond to COVID-19 and Future Pandemics with Open Source Solutions
The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today launched a new initiative to use open source technologies to help public health authorities (PHAs) around the world combat COVID-19 and future epidemics. The new Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH) initiative is launching with seven Premier members - Cisco,, Geometer, IBM, NearForm, Tencent, and VMware - and two hosted exposure notifications projects, COVID Shield and COVID Green, which are currently being deployed in Canada, Ireland, and several U.S. states.
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Merck Millipore Introduces 'Open Source' Development At New Plant
CMOs and Pharmas will own the manufacturing processes developed at a new facility as part of an ‘open source’ ethos Merck Millipore has introduced. Read More »
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Networked Intelligent Bicycles Are Transforming Urban Riding
The world’s first open source piece of hardware was the bicycle, according to the Open Source Hardware Association. To be more precise, it was the draisine, introduced as a two-wheeled human-propelled walking machine in 1817. Read More »
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Open Invention Network Announces Expansion of its Patent Non-Aggression Coverage
Open Invention Network (OIN), the largest patent non-aggression community in history, with well over 2000 organization members, announced today that it has expanded its patent non-aggression coverage through an update to its definition of the Linux System. The expansion focuses on core open source system and middleware level packages, including software packages that support the growing use of Linux in industries that include finance (e.g., blockchain), automotive, telecommunications and the internet-of-things (IoT). The expansion is part of Open Invention Network's program to regularly revise its Linux System coverage to keep pace with innovation...
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Open Source Powers The United Nations' Sustainability Goals
Although the United Nations (UN) has previously spoken well of open source development, several recent events show the UN taking definitive actions to introduce the entire world to the open source way. In July, the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) adopted a draft resolution introduced by the representative of Pakistan titled Open source technologies for sustainable development. ECOSOC noted the availability of open source technologies that can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The council invited the Secretary-General to “develop specific proposals on ways to better leverage open source technologies for sustainable development based on inputs from interested Member States and other stakeholders.”
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Open Source Solutions For Public Health Case Reporting and COVID-19
The United States is continuing its slow emergence from a nation-wide shut down imposed to slow down the spread of COVID-19. Most states have started to reopen, with bars, restaurants, and many workplaces starting to fill. As people begin to spend more time together again, it is critically important that public health agencies do everything they can to help prevent further spread of the infection and continue to monitor the level of infection within the population. Data is an important tool that public health has to understand what is going on in the country. Years of limited government investment and neglect of current systems has limited public health's ability to meet the challenges of managing both localized outbreaks and pandemics.
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OSEHRA 2018 Open Source Summit Dates Announced
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) is pleased to announce that it will host its 7th Annual Open Source Summit: The Open Road for Government Innovation from Wednesday, July 18 through Friday, July 20, 2018 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. This year’s three-day Summit will highlight open source initiatives across Federal and State agencies, and the increasing level of public-private partnership in major programs. Read More »
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OSEHRA 2018: Calling all Abstracts for the OSEHRA Summit
Plans for our 7th Annual Summit, The Open Road for Government Innovation, are well underway! This year's event will be held from July 18 - 20, 2018 and the Program Committee is looking forward to receiving an abundance of abstracts from the community. All are invited to participate and submit their proposals for presentation, poster, and/or roundtable discussion. All submissions are due no later than Friday, April 13, 2018.
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Technology Trumps Dogma, And Other Open Source Insights
A few weeks back I asked Marten Mickos (@martenmickos), CEO of Eucalyptus Systems, to comment on the changing face of open source. He did, and with the usual Mickos style. Unfortunately, a whole lot of great commentary had to be cut for space reasons. Read More »
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The Linux Foundation Launches First Linux-Based Civil Infrastructure Project
The Linux announced the Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP), an open source framework that will provide the software foundation needed to deliver essential services for civil infrastructure and economic development on a global scale. Early supporters of CIP include Codethink, Hitachi, Plat'Home, Siemens and Toshiba. Civil infrastructure systems deliver critical services that are considered the lifelines of society: electric power, oil and gas, water, health care, communications, transportation and more.
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The National Science Foundation Bets Big On Open Source Platforms
The National Science Foundation (NSF) wants to grow the community of researchers who develop and contribute to open source and enable pathways for collaboration that lead to new technologies that have broad impacts on society...[NSF] just announced US $21 million to fund open source development through a new program: Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (PEOSE).
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Thoughts on Microsoft Open Sourcing the .NET Platform
Last Wednesday Microsoft announced they are transitioning the server side of their .NET platform to open source. As stated on their website: "Microsoft is providing the full .NET server stack in open source, including ASP.NET, the .NET compiler, the .NET Core Runtime, Framework and Libraries, enabling developers to build with .NET across Windows, Mac or Linux." Read More »
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Three Students Jump into Open Source with OpenMRS and Sahana Eden
We are three students in the Bachelor of Computer Science second degree program at the University of British Columbia (UBC). As we each have cooperative education experience, our technical ability and contributions have increasingly become a point of focus as we approach graduation. Our past couple of years at UBC have allowed us to produce some great technical content, but we all found ourselves with one component noticeably absent from our resumes: an open source contribution. While the reasons for this are varied, they all stem from the fact that making a contribution involves a set of skills that goes far beyond anything taught in the classroom or even learned during an internship. It requires a person to be outgoing with complete strangers, to be proactive in seeking out problems to solve, and to have effective written communication...
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Transitioning To Open Systems In Drug Discovery
Bringing the ideas of “open source” into the pharmaceutical process is far from simple. It requires a careful understanding both of the realities of open source as a software development process well as the realities of therapy research, development, and regulatory approval. Read More »
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