Last week, HL7 held it’s annual plenary meeting in Baltimore at the Hyatt Regency...For the FHIR project, our main attention was the ballot. Across the core standard, and multiple implementation guides, we received >800 detailed comments as part of the ballot. This represents a slight increase over the last ballot, but there was a clear change in the focus of the comments – there was a significant drop in the number of comments relating to the infrastructure, and much more focus on the domain content, and it’s applicability to real world problems. This is a clear marker of the growing maturity of the standard. We continue to expect that we’ll publish FHIR release 3 at the end of this year.
open standards
See the following -
Defining An Open Platform for Health IT
It is widely agreed that the future of digital health lies in an “Open Platform”. However, it’s not clear as to exactly what an Open Platform is or how we get there. This blog aims to answer the first question and to provide some guidance on the second. While any given instance of an Open Platform will be a specific implementation of a set of software components owned and operated by a particular organisation (this might be a health and social care organisation or a third party, operating the platform on behalf of a local health and care community), it is most usefully defined by a set of principles rather than the specific details of a particular implementation.
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Dell EMC to Join Open Source OpenSDS Project to Advance Storage Interoperability, Contribute Code
The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit advancing professional open source management for mass collaboration, today welcomed Dell EMC to the OpenSDS Project. The OpenSDS community is forming to address software-defined storage integration challenges with the goal of driving enterprise adoption of open standards. As part of its support for the open source project, Dell EMC is also contributing its first project to OpenSDS, the CoprHD SouthBound SDK (SB SDK), to help promote storage interoperability and compatibility...
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Dutch Parliament: Vendor Dependence Too High a Cost
The Dutch government’s lack of vendor independence is too high a cost for society, the Dutch Parliament concludes. The government should enforce its policy on open standards in ICT procurement and should also devise exit strategies - to reduce its dependence on ICT suppliers. This week Tuesday, the parliament adopted a resolution criticizing the government for having no open source ambition. The resolution was adopted with 136 votes in favour and 14 against. The parliament calls upon the government to make sure that in any new ICT project, the specifications give open source a fair chance. When proprietary software is selected, this needs to be explained, the parliament stipulates. “(the) dependence on a limited number of large software vendors (is) too strong”, the resolutions says, adding that this can lead to software costs that are too high for society.
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Eclipse Backs Open Source For Internet Of Things
The Eclipse Foundation is seeking to create a strong open-source developer community that is focused on the Internet of Things. Read More »
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Eclipse Updates Four Key IoT Projects, Launches a New One
The Eclipse Foundation announced new releases of four open-source IoT projects to accelerate IoT solution development. The Eclipse Foundation, which has been leading an effort to develop open-source technologies for Internet of things application development, announced that the Eclipse Internet of Things (IoT) Working Group has delivered new releases of four open-source IoT projects the group initiated over a year ago. The four projects, hosted at the Eclipse Foundation, are Eclipse Kura 2.0, Eclipse Paho 1.2, Eclipse SmartHome 0.8 and Eclipse OM2M 1.0. These projects are helping developers rapidly create new IoT solutions based on open source and open standards...
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EHI Live Interview: Liam Maxwell
Deputy government chief information officer Liam Maxwell wants to see large IT contracts disaggregated so more small and medium-sized enterprises can compete in the NHS IT market. Rebecca Todd reports. Read More »
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EHI Live UK Conference Hosts State–of-the-Art Open Source Health IT Solutions
EHI live, now in its 8th year, is the UK's leading exhibition for digital health, hospital information and healthcare innovation. The event attracts visitors and delegates from around the UK and beyond who are keen to learn from industry leaders and examine new technologies. The EHI Live exhibition gives visitors the chance to see the best that NHS IT suppliers have to offer. EHI Live will take place in Birmingham, UK, Nov 3-4, in Hall 1 at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. The event will host more than 250 exhibitors showcasing the latest advances in IT healthcare solutions. It will also feature free-to-attend conferences that will address the major healthcare IT industry issues such...[including] the annual HANDI Health Apps conference which features its own specialist app zone, a feature dedicated to the use of open source technology.
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European Parliament To Weigh Open Source Pilots
Next Monday, the European Parliament's budget committee will consider a proposal from the Green/EFA group to pilot the use of open source encryption software, to be used by parliament members and their staff. The Green/EFA group is also asking to trial the use of open standards and open source to make available the EP's data available in machine-readable format...
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European Union's 5-year Roadmap for IT and Open Source
After months of preparation, the European Commission (EC) released its broad 5-year roadmap in early May for information and communications technology (ICT) policy, the Digital Single Market Strategy, or DSM. The plan is structured around three main pillars or goals, which include...
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Free as in Bach: Open Goldberg Variations Released
The Kickstarter funded collaboration between Kimiko Ishizaka and MuseScore has released their new recording and score of Bach's Goldberg Variations into the public domain using the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) licensing tool. This is just one of the ways in which revolutionizing the business of music.
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Govt Takes Forward Open Standards Plans
The Cabinet Office has launched a consultation on open standards for government IT. Read More »
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Grahame Grieve on What Project Argonaut Means for the HL7/FHIR Community
Project Argonaut was announced last week. You can see the announcement here. That press release was intended for an external community, and didn’t address lots of important questions for the HL7 community itself. So here’s an outline of what project Argonaut means in practice for HL7.
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Grahame Grieve's FHIR report from Baltimore HL7 Meeting
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Grand Opening: Federal Cloud Innovation Center
As more state and federal government agencies try to catch up with the private sector in using cloud-based IT, IBM is giving them a lift. Read More »
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Greek Government Moving to Open Source, Open Data
The Greek government wants the country’s public administrations to transition to free and open source software, open standards and open data. The Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Marine and Tourism has asked the Greek free and open source software society (Gfoss) to help organize workshops and conferences, train public administrations and propose research and development projects. The objective of the transition to open technologies is to strengthen Greece’s economy.
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