patient records
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Health IT Interoperability Reimagined!
The evolution of fax from paper-based to cloud transmission and storage (CloudFax) is a key step that enables CloudFax providers to comply with HIPAA and other regulations. Further strengthening of CloudFax as a key component in Healthcare Information Systems (HIS) will be its evolution into a Direct Messaging platform that enables the seamless exchange of Patient Health Information (PHI) between the diverse data and document management systems used by labs, pharmacies, doctor's offices, hospitals, and billing providers. CloudFax will support and contribute to the goals of interoperability. Consider:
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HHS Releases Landmark Report: Reforming America's Healthcare System
On December 3, 2018, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released an extensive, 120-page report on the administration's proposals to reform the healthcare system. The report, titled Reforming America's Healthcare System Through Choice and Competition, is divided into four major sections. The report that government policy of the last few years has suppressed competition, increased prices for healthcare, and limited choices for consumers. Though rich in detail as it tries to prove each of these points, the more than fifty recommendations are often broad and aspirational rather than practical. Since I am not a health economist, I will leave the market issues to others to discuss (many of the ideas in this report have been vetted and discussed by others previously). But there are two sections of the report which make direct mention of Health IT.
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HIEs Craft Strategies For Non-Targeted Query
In the process of creating health information exchange recommendations, the Health IT Policy Committee’s Privacy & Security Tiger Team is considering practices that have been developed for a critical care coordination practice: non-targeted query. Read More »
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How Cyber Hardening Can Protect Patient Privacy And Treatment
The abundance of internet-connected devices that collect and share patient data has greatly increased the “attack surface” (where an attacker inserts or extracts data) and number of possible vulnerabilities within a system. Now that medical devices can connect to home-based routers, public Wi-Fi or cellular networks to relay data to hospitals, specialists, and care providers. In addition, the software in those devices lacks cybersecurity and can be updated and reprogrammed remotely. Thus, sensitive patient information is even more prone to data breaches, and the safety of the devices can be compromised. Recent supply chain compromises, and the migration of health applications and platforms to the cloud, also add to the threat equation. This article looks at why the medical community is so vulnerable and suggests how it can better protect life-saving equipment and sensitive data from unprecedented cyberattacks.
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How Do You Change HIE Software Platforms? Very Carefully!
HealtheConnections RHIO execs detail lessons learned about changing horses in midstream Read More »
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How to Prepare for the API Requirements of the Cures Act
As of April 5, 2021, the U.S. ONC Cures Act Final Rule Compliance Timeframe is in effect. Healthcare providers, Health IT developers, Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), and Health Information Networks (HINs) will have until October 6, 2022, to provide patients with access to all their Electronic Health Information (EHI). There are several requirements that providers, developers, and exchanges must adhere to. Among them are Conditions and Maintenance of Certification requirements for Information Blocking, Communications, and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). To help you navigate this compliance timeframe, we've asked our J P System's HL7 FHIR® expert, Jay Lyle, what does one need to know about APIs and data standards. Jay has been co-chair of the HL7 Patient Care Work Group for 8 years and is an expert in HL7 data standards development and APIs.
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Indian Healthcare Industry Prescribing A Dose Of Technology
Max Healthcare which has been at the forefront of delivering healthcare services in Delhi-NCR has moved to an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system from their existing Hospital Information System (HIS). The group implemented an open source EHR system, WorldVistA, with the goals of minimizing the need for paper records, allowing order entry by the doctors in the system itself, and enabling easy access to patient records. The system was hosted on a private cloud and was interfaced with laboratory, radiology and pharmacy to allow real-time access to any patient record.
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JP Systems Awarded $100M from the V.A. For Foundational Data Standards Work
J P Systems, Inc. was awarded a $100 million (ceiling) contract from the Veteran's Administration to standardize medical terminologies. The overall purpose of the work is that of patient safety. When doctors use standard terms, healthcare providers all over the world are better able to understand the details of patient records written by different doctors over many decades, even in different countries and languages. Continuity and accuracy count a great deal. As Dr. Robert M. Califf, Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research from Duke University says: "People are dying because we don't use the same names for the same things!"
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Max Healthcare is 1st hospital in India to receive 'Stage 6' recognition from HIMSS
As reported in Business Wire India and IT News Online, Max Healthcare has become the first hospital in India and only the sixth in Asia to achieve “Stage 6” on the EMR adoption model from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), indicating that a significant portion of patient records are now electronic with minimal usage of paper charts. They rely heavily on the use of open source health IT solutions, e.g. VistA, Mirth.
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mCode Initiative Open Sources Common Cancer Data Platform and Standards to Improve EHR Data Interoperability
In an effort to advance cancer data sharing and improve the quality and coordination of patient care, three of the nation's leading health and technology organizations have established a core set of data elements and recommended technical specifications (the Minimal Common Oncology Data Elements, or "mCODE") that are essential for capturing and reporting the characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of every cancer patient and should be contained in each patient's electronic health record (EHR).
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Mobile Will Be Essential To Meeting MU Stage 2, Improving Care Coordination
We’ve heard talk for years about patient engagement, but not a whole lot of real progress. Mobile technologies are about to change that, with a substantial boost from Stage 2 of the “meaningful use” EHR incentive program. Read More »
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Nationwide Exchange Stands On Its Own
Marking a bridge’s beginning, ONC on Thursday made it official: eHealth Exchange is standing on its own as a non-federal, non-profit entity. Read More »
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Open Source Software Is Transforming Healthcare
In the summer of 2022, the UK government and NHS England published its Open Source Policy, stating that open source technology is: Particularly suitable for use within the healthcare industry where, through active collaboration between IT suppliers and user/clinicians communities, solutions can be honed to maximise benefits to delivery of health and social care. The public statement by NHS England is just the latest development in a broader trend: The wholehearted embrace of open source software by the healthcare sector. And no wonder; open source presents myriad opportunities for this most complex of industries, with potential solutions across various sub-sectors. Yes, open source is now powering everything from medical wearables to healthcare human resource management.
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Public Medical Labs Could Save Canada $250 Million A Year: Study
The Canadian health care system could save a quarter of its billion-dollar annual spending on lab tests if for-profit labs no longer did them, a new study suggests. Read More »
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Relentless Cyber Attacks Pressure Hospital Operations
Ever-increasing cyberattacks on the US public healthcare sector will place material revenue and expense pressures on not-for-profit (NFP) hospitals and health systems, Fitch Ratings says. The healthcare sector has seen a historic increase in the number and severity of cyber assaults over the past 18 months. The sector is viewed as a target-rich environment due to the large amount of sensitive data that healthcare entities maintain for patient care and operations.
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