Over the past few months, I’ve been in England, China, Denmark, New Zealand, and Canada. Each of them is rethinking their healthcare IT strategy and is not entirely satisfied with past progress. I’m often asked by senior government officials to help harmonize IT strategy at the country level. That I can do. I’m also asked to discuss the US Presidential campaign, but that defies rational explanation. I frequently say that healthcare IT issues are the same all over the world. Here’s a few common observations..
population health
See the following -
Medsphere Adds Population Health Solution to OpenVista Electronic Health Record
Medsphere Systems Corporation...today introduced OpenVista® Population Health, a Windows-based solution that gives clinicians much greater flexibility in how they provide care for both individual patients and broader patient populations. “The addition of OpenVista Population Health is worth noting particularly because it serves as an example of how development happens in the VistA community,” said Medsphere President and CEO Irv Lichtenwald...
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NHS Swindells Urges Vendors to Take Open Approach to Data
In his keynote address to the 2017 Health and Care Innovation Expo, Matthew Swindells said software providers should “not be protective about ‘your’ data – the data belongs to the patient”. He continued: “If the patient wants you to share what you’ve got with another clinician who’s treating them, I don’t want to see vendors locking the data down, and I don’t want to see hospitals treating patient data as if it were some sort of market opportunity.”...
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On the Road
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ONC Targets 2024 For Full Health IT Interoperability
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has set its sights on 2024 as the target for achieving system-wide interoperability in the United States, according to ten-year plan published recently by the federal agency...
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ONC Timeline for TEFCA Going Live in 2022
Today we are pleased to announce the timeline for the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA). The 21st Century Cures Act, signed by President Obama in 2016, calls on ONC to "develop or support a trusted exchange framework, including a common agreement among health information networks nationally."... The timeline released today-for completion of the Trusted Exchange Framework, the Common Agreement Version 1 and the Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) Technical Framework (QTF) Version 1-establishes our goal to have this new network open for participation in the first quarter (Q1) of calendar year 2022.
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ONC's 5 Goals For The Federal Health IT Strategic Plan
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT on Wednesday shared more detail about its vision for the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020 it laid down last week...
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ONC's Goals For MU Stage 3 In 6 Charts
The Office of the National Coordinator is already starting to design the third phase of meaningful use — with a dual focus on functionality and healthcare outcomes. Read More »
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Open Source EHR Company Achieves 48 Percent Revenue Growth in 2016
Medsphere Systems Corporation, the leading provider of affordable and interoperable healthcare information technology (IT) solutions and services, is welcoming the new year with excitement and anticipation following a busy and historic 2016. Significant recent achievements include an expansion of company products and services as well as a record number of new clients and unprecedented revenue growth. The company’s ongoing efforts to make affordable healthcare IT more widely available have resulted in specific indicators from the previous calendar year of growth and success...
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OpenMRS Releases 2015 Annual Report
OpenMRS®, a free and open source health IT software platform built by volunteers around the world, is marking the start of its second decade by releasing its first annual report for 2015. The document highlights the achievements of the open source community in the past year, improvements to the OpenMRS software, and lays out the strategic goals for 2016...OpenMRS started in a single clinic in Western Kenya ten years ago. Since then it has grown into a global health IT solution with implementations in more than 80 countries and translations into multiple languages. Based on documented reports, OpenMRS is currently in use in 1,149 locations around the world.
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OpenVista Live in American Samoa’s LBJ Tropical Medical Center and Department of Health Clinics
Medsphere Systems Corporation, the leading provider of affordable and interoperable healthcare IT platform solutions, today announced that the company’s OpenVista® electronic health record (EHR) is live throughout the American Samoa healthcare system. Specifically, OpenVista is up and running in the LBJ Tropical Medical Center and 13 outpatient clinics run by the American Samoa Medical Center Authority (ASMCA), as well as four of the eight clinics in the American Samoa Department of Health (DOH). The EHR will be rolled out to two additional DOH clinics later this year and two more in the near future.
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OSEHRA 2015: Preliminary Agenda Open Source Summit Released
The 2015 Open Source Summit: Community-Powered Healthcare IT Solutions is shaping up to be another exciting event that will showcase the remarkable achievements of our growing community! The Summit offers a unique perspective on healthcare IT innovation in the U.S. and global markets, as well as an opportunity to network with the individuals and companies who are making it happen...Further, the OSEHRA community is expanding beyond its VistA-centric origins. This year, in collaboration with Open Health News, a diverse panel of open source community leaders has been formed to exchange ideas, expertise, and business opportunities. Read More »
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OSEHRA 2019 Summit Dates Announced
Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) is pleased to announce its 8th Annual Open Source Summit: Open SaaS - Open Source in the Cloud from Tuesday, July 9 through Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, just north of Washington, D.C. This year's two-day Summit will showcase leading-edge, open source initiatives and highlight the increasing level of public-private partnership in major programs and agencies. Open source software has become key to both implementation and interoperability as more and more programs opt for cloud-based solutions and software-as-a-service delivery models. This Summit will address ways to optimize open source utilization and community involvement in this new playing field.
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OSEHRA 2019 Summit in Washington to Examine Next Steps for Open Health
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) will be holding its 8th Annual Open Source Summit at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. The theme of this year's two-day Summit is "Open SaaS - Open Source in the Cloud," this year's two-day Summit will showcase leading-edge, open source initiatives and highlight the increasing level of public-private partnership in major programs and agencies. Open source software has become key to both implementation and interoperability as more and more programs opt for cloud-based solutions and software-as-a-service delivery models. This Summit will address ways to optimize open source utilization and community involvement in this new playing field.
- The Future Is Open
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Personal Health Tech Plot Thickens
Apple. Google. Samsung. WebMD. Each has made moves recently into personal health technologies. And they’re coming at a time when the nation’s healthcare is stressed and federal efforts are geared toward removing costs.
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Policy And IT Challenges To Achieving Big Data Outcomes, Part 2
In part one of this series we provided a loose definition of Big Data, described some of the ways that Big Data tools can be used in health, and identified the high degree of alignment of Big Data capabilities with quality and efficiency analytics as well as observational health research... Read More »
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