The enormity and severity of the West African Ebola epidemic that began in 2014 is hard to fathom. Over 10,000 people died with hundreds of thousands deeply affected by loss. In treating any medical condition, information is needed to provide adequate care, but when it’s an epidemic so severe, so dangerous and so fast-moving, it’s required more than ever. Ebola creates enormous barriers for patient care. It’s communicability means those who directly treat patients within the “Red Zone” must take extreme precautions. The lack of knowledge about who is infected and what constitutes effective treatment — not to mention the swift and severe toll it takes on the human body — makes caring for those affected extremely difficult...
Project Buendia
See the following -
Fighting Ebola with Open Source Collaboration
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How A Free Mobile App Fights Ebola And Other Global Epidemics
The enormity and severity of the West African Ebola epidemic that began in 2014 is hard to fathom. The outbreak resulted in more than 11,000 deaths, and hundreds of thousands of people affected by loss. Providing adequate care for any medical condition depends on information, but even more so when dealing with an epidemic that is as severe, dangerous, and fast-moving as Ebola. This is the story of how a dispersed global health IT community banded together to solve the enormous, unique information challenges presented by Ebola...
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OpenMRS Holds World Wide Summit in Singapore
OpenMRS held its first annual World Wide Summit for interested participants and contributors (including developers and implementers) in Singapore from December 8-14, 2015. The World Wide Summit meeting is designed to create a collaborative global space to share and discuss work and ideas about OpenMRS, showcase innovative development that has occurred over the last year, and support an OpenMRS Hackathon. This first annual summit was planned to build, support and grow the OpenMRS community as well as the OpenMRS software suite. The conference was attended by over 100 participants from 6 continents. There were more than 50 sessions by close to 30 speakers.
Team Bahmni at the OpenMRS Worldwide Summit
ThoughtWorks first began contributing to OpenMRS in 2006 and since that time, we've had over fifty committers to OpenMRS in GitHub. Incidentally, one in every seven OpenMRS contributor in GitHub is a ThoughtWorker! Naturally, in 2013, when we had the opportunity to build Bahmni, an open source hospital information system, we choose OpenMRS as the underlying Electronic Medical Records System (EMR). Bahmni leverages the mature data model and APIs of OpenMRS, whilst providing an out-of-the-box system that can be immediately used by hospitals.
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OpenMRS Worldwide Summit 2015
OpenMRS Inc., the non-profit organization supporting the OpenMRS community, is hosting a new annual global gathering of contributors called OpenMRS Worldwide Summit, focused on building and growing both our community and our software. While our OpenMRS Implementers Meetings will continue to bring together OpenMRS implementers & health care professionals to focus on how OpenMRS is used, the annual Worldwide Summit will bring together OpenMRS people of all types, and will offer them opportunities to share their work, as well as discuss how software will evolve in the coming year. The first OpenMRS Summit is happening 8-14 December 2015 in Singapore. Read on for more information about the schedule and logistics.
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