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7 Myths About Open Sourcing Your Company's Software - The Real Story

Many companies benefit from open source, and countless companies have opted to open source components of their infrastructure (or even their bread and butter) in an effort to give back. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about what happens when you open up your business' code and workflows to the public, and as companies delve into how to apply open principles within their organization, it's easy to get lost in the weeds. Here are some common misconceptions about what happens when you open source your code...
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Amazon Web Services, Cisco, Dell, Facebook, Fujitsu, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NetApp, Rackspace, VMware And The Linux Foundation Form New Initiative To Support Critical Open Source Projects
The Linux Foundation today announced it has formed a new project to fund and support critical elements of the global information infrastructure. The Core Infrastructure Initiative enables technology companies to collaboratively identify and fund open source projects that are in need of assistance, while allowing the developers to continue their work under the community norms that have made open source so successful.
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AT&T Joins OpenStack as it Launches Cloud for Developers
At AT&T's Developer Summit in Las Vegas, company CTO John Donovan announced that the company had officially become a contributor to OpenStack, the open-source cloud architecture project that emerged from efforts by NASA and hosting company RackSpace. AT&T is the first telecom services provider to join OpenStack. Read More »
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AT&T Makes a Big Bet On Linux and Open Source in the Cloud
What's significant here is that AT&T's combination of an open source cloud platform with hosting services and support for those hosting services could attract many businesses away from smaller players in the cloud. Support, in particular, is going to be a big differentiator for AT&T's open source cloud offering, and for Rackspace's. In fact, I've made the point that support may very well determine the winners and the losers in the cloud race.
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Axial Exchange Wins Health 2.0 Challenge for Its Care Transition Suite
Axial Exchange recently won the $25,000 Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Health 2.0 Challenge. Their entry was entitled “Ensuring Safe Transitions from Hospital to Home” and included its Care Transition Suite for coordinating data management among all participants, including emergency responders (EMS), physicians, and hospitals, during the transition of a patient back and for Read More »
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Bossies 2012: The Best Of Open Source Software Awards
Welcome to the sixth annual Best of Open Source Software Awards, otherwise known as the Bossies. If you've enjoyed our previous Bossies, you're in for a treat... Read More »
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Cloud Computing And NASA
Investments in space technology have produced many spinoff inventions that we now take for granted in everyday modern life. Advances in comfort, such as memory foam and shoe insoles, and life-saving technologies, such as smoke detectors and safety grooving in roads and runways, were all inspired by NASA research.
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Cloud computing's big debt to NASA & Open Source
IBM is betting big on OpenStack, deeply rooted in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's ingenuity Read More »
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Clouds Open Up, Benefit Clients
The cloud industry is poised to enter a new era of transparency and competition courtesy of the open source movement and the help of large players such as RackSpace, Dell and Citrix. After some jostling over which standard is best, the OpenStack foundation has recently emerged as the pre-eminent open source cloud, which freely provides the code for the major products that sit on top of the Read More »
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Coders to Learn How to Deploy Humanitarian-Focused Apps on Openstack
Dana and I are passionate about making open source communities inclusive and welcoming. The codeathon is a terrific opportunity for us to be tour guides for women of all backgrounds as they explore open source projects like OpenStack. [Dana Bauer]: I love the humanitarian focus at Open Source Day. Egle and I are demonstrating how to deploy humanitarian-focused applications on OpenStack, and it's exciting to think that some of those apps could be the first steps toward making a difference in the world...
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Concerns Linger About Corporate Involvement In OpenStack Foundation
The official debut of the independent OpenStack Foundation was welcomed by most as a big step forward to establishing an open cloud but the inclusion of two big league proprietary vendors, namely VMware and Cisco, has raised a few eyebrows. Read More »
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Google Cloud Shut Down This Guy's Business — But Now He's a Fan for Life
On Monday, Fred Trotter, CEO of a healthcare startup called DocGraph, came into work only to discover that his cloud computing provider, Google, had effectively shut down his company, sending him and his team into a panic. DocGraph, through its sister company, CareSet, sells Medicare data and analysis to help improve patient care and track the effectiveness of drugs. It not only stores its data with Google, but also relies on Google's machine learning service, Tensorflow, to help it with the analysis...
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Happy Birthday, OpenStack! Now Change
OpenStack turns three this month and some say the project needs to mature Read More »
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Heartbleed-Weary Tech Firms Show OpenSSL A Little Love
A new attack vector has been identified, causing renewed distress over the difficulty of coming up with a Heartbleed cure. Coincidentally, the latest threat information comes just as a group of tech companies announced a new effort to shore up OpenSSL security...
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How A NASA Open Source Startup Could Change The IT Universe
Former NASA CTO explains how the open source OpenStack project came to be and why it could be NASA's most important contribution. Read More »
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