Sergey Brin
See the following -
Google Logic: Why Google Does The Things It Does
“What does Google want?” A favorite pastime among people who watch the tech industry is trying to figure out why Google does things. [...] But the topic also comes up regularly in conversations with my Silicon Valley friends. Read More »
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How Crowdfunding And Open Source Research Will Fight Cancer
...A researcher named Isaac Yonemoto is applying some of the concepts of open source software initiatives to cancer research. Yonemoto is undertaking Project Marilyn, a campaign to develop a patent-free anticancer drug...
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It’s ‘Digital Heroin’: How Screens Turn Kids into Psychotic Junkies
Susan* bought her 6-year-old son John an iPad when he was in first grade. “I thought, ‘Why not let him get a jump on things?’ ” she told me during a therapy session. John’s school had begun using the devices with younger and younger grades — and his technology teacher had raved about their educational benefits — so Susan wanted to do what was best for her sandy-haired boy who loved reading and playing baseball. She started letting John play different educational games on his iPad. Eventually, he discovered Minecraft, which the technology teacher assured her was “just like electronic Lego.” Remembering how much fun she had as a child building and playing with the interlocking plastic blocks, Susan let her son Minecraft his afternoons away...
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Why Google Is Suddenly Obsessed with Your Photos
Google tends to throw lots of ideas at the wall, and then harvest the data from what sticks. Right now the company is feasting on photos and videos being uploaded through its surprisingly popular app Google Photos. The cloud-storage service, salvaged from the husk of the struggling social network Google+ in 2015, now has 500 million monthly active users adding 1.2 billion photos per day. It’s on a growth trajectory to ascend to the vaunted billion-user club with essential products such as YouTube, Gmail, and Chrome. No one is quite sure what Google plans to do with all of these pictures in the long run, and it’s possible the company hasn’t even figured that out...
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Windows Is Dead, Google Killed It
Windows is dead. Let’s all salute it — pour out a glass for it, burn a CD for it, reboot your PC one last time. Windows had a good run. For a time, it powered the world. But that era is over. It was killed by the unlikeliest of collaborations.... Read More »
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