See the following -
A Deadly Superbug Appears to Be Invading America's Hospitals
A dangerous type of superbug has more tricks up its sleeves than we may be giving it credit for, a recent study suggests. The researchers found that this class of bacteria, CREs — that's short for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae — has more ways to evade antibiotics than have been currently identified, and that these bugs share their tricks readily across the families of bacteria that make up this grouping...
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Andhra Medical College Research on Antibiotics Shows Promise
The superbug or multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria has become a challenge for doctors and curse for patients worldwide. As a result of misuse or over-usage of antibiotics to kill bacteria, certain bacteria became resistant to many drugs or antibiotics, and cannot be destroyed by antibiotic medicines even with combination of two or more drugs administered by doctors. Therefore, research is now focussed on evaluating the efficacy of non-antibiotics to treat MDR bacteria...
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Another Scope, Similar Infection Worries
Long before the recent superbug outbreaks, Olympus Corp. drew national attention for a faulty device tied to patient infections. In 2001, the Japanese company recalled thousands of bronchoscopes from U.S. hospitals after reports of contamination and patient infections. The episode — and the company's response to it — mirrors its current troubles with gastrointestinal scopes. Bacteria were trapped unexpectedly inside a loose biopsy port on the bronchoscope, and potentially dangerous bugs could be passed to the next patient. More recently, a similar pattern emerged with duodenoscopes harboring life-threatening superbugs even though hospitals followed Olympus' cleaning instructions, federal regulators said...
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Bacteria That Resist 'Last Antibiotic' Found in UK
Bacteria that resist the most common antibiotic of last resort - colistin - have been discovered in the UK. Officials say the threat to human health is low, but is under ongoing review. Scientists warned the world was on the cusp of a post-antibiotic era when such resistance was discovered in China last month. Now checks have discovered the same resistance on three farms and in samples of human infections...
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PolyU Discovers a Newly Emerged Superbug -- Hyper-Resistant and Hypervirulent Klebsiella Pneumoniae
The Partner State Key Laboratory of Chirosciences at the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) discovered a newly emerged superbug, hyper-resistant and hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae, which may cause untreatable and fatal infections in relatively healthy individuals and will pose enormous threat to human health...
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