United Nations (UN)
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How Does The Gates Foundation Spend Its Money To Feed The World?
At some point in June this year, the total amount given as grants to food and agriculture projects by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation surpassed the US$3 billion mark. It marked quite a milestone. From nowhere on the agricultural scene less than a decade ago, the Gates Foundation has emerged as one of the world's major donors to agricultural research and development...
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How Open Source Mobile Health Technology Aided Ebola Response
When the Ebola epidemic spread across West Africa in early 2014, organizations around the world sent thousands of health workers to combat the outbreak alongside local medical personnel and volunteers. Over the past two years, many of these teams have seen the benefits of using mobile health technology for disaster response. Some of the most important tasks in responding to a healthcare disaster are collecting, analyzing, sharing and acting upon data gleaned from patients. That was one job of Partners in Health (PIH), a nonprofit based in Boston, which worked in the affected countries to train medical staff, provide patient care, and survey patients and their families.
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Is "Modern Medicine" Indistinguishable From Magic?
Evidently, most of health care's technologies are not yet sufficiently advanced. For example, just think about chemotherapy. We've spent lots of money developing ever more powerful, always more expensive, hopefully more precise drugs to combat cancers. In many cases they've helped improve cancer patients' lifespans -- adding months or even years of life. But few who take them would say the drugs are without noticeable side effects -- e.g., patients often suffer nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, appetite loss, sexual issues, or a mental fog that is literally called "chemo brain."...
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Is The Pharmaceutical Industry Doing Enough To Increase Access To Essential Medicines?
A report in The Lancet Global Health journal, citing the World Health Organization’s World Medicines Situation, notes that despite progress in many countries, about a third of the world’s population still has no regular access to essential medicines, and says responsibility to resolve this problem lies with many, including the pharmaceutical industry.
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Is This The Best Source Of Ebola Info?
ReliefWeb, a website operated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, stands out as a rich source of information on the spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa and the international response by governments and nongovernmental organizations worldwide...
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Konektaz Open Development & Open Data
On April 15, 2013 the United Nations marked the 1000 day mark to the 2015 target date for the Millennium Development Goals. The eight goals are [as follows]... Read More »
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Map It, Change It for RIO+20
At the recent United States Rio +20 pre-event, Ushahidi had a chance to feature the work of amazing deployers trying to share, understand and change their world. These examples should get your mind spinning on some of the untold map stories that you could activate. Citizen crowdsourcing can elevate and visualize your subject. And, you may be surprised who you hear from and how you can collaborate.
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Medicine and Public Health in Nuclear War Diplomacy and Response
The world is not prepared to deal with the devastating effects of a thermonuclear attack, according to Cham Dallas, professor of public health and director of the Institute for Disaster Management at the University of Georgia. Dallas said that the development of a hydrogen bomb by North Korea is a transformative event, especially from the point of view of the medical and public health response to a thermonuclear detonation...
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Merck To Bristol-Myers Face Threats On India Patents (Correct)
Pharmaceutical companies from Merck & Co. (MRK:US) to Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (BMY:US) face fresh threats to protecting their patents in India as a government-appointed panel prepares to evaluate more drugs for local makers to copy. The panel is looking beyond the cancer treatments it studied last year to areas such as HIV and diabetes, according to two people with knowledge of the matter, who asked not to be identified because the discussions are private.
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Mobile Health Apps Have Role In Ebola Crisis
Mobile health apps could play a bigger role than they have to date in speeding the response to a global health crisis...
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Mobile Health Apps Have Role In Ebola Crisis
Mobile health apps could play a bigger role than they have to date in speeding the response to a global health crisis...
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Nandi Mobile, MoTeCH Win UN’s World Summit Awards
Nandi Mobile and Mobile Technology for Community Health in Ghana (MoTeCH), two local Electronic-Content (e-Content) developers, have won awards at the 2013 World Summit Awards (WSA). Read More »
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Nandi, MoTeCH Win UN Awards
Ghanaian Nandi Mobile and Mobile Technology for Community Health in Ghana (MoTeCH) have been awarded United Nations (UN) World Summit Awards (WSA), recognising their e-content development. Read More »
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Nandi, MoTeCH Win UN Awards
Ghanaian Nandi Mobile and Mobile Technology for Community Health in Ghana (MoTeCH) have been awarded United Nations (UN) World Summit Awards (WSA), recognising their e-content development.
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New Alliance to Drive and Measure Industry Progress to Curb Antimicrobial Resistance
Speaking at the B20 Health Conference in Berlin, IFPMA Director-General Thomas Cueni announced the launch of the AMR Industry Alliance, which will help give impetus to the life-sciences industry efforts to curb antimicrobial resistance. The threat of antimicrobial resistance causing drug-resistant infections is now more urgent than ever. It is estimated that, unless action is taken, the burden of deaths from antimicrobial resistance could be as high as 10 million lives each year by 2050 – more than cancer...
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