“Everyone is doing sequencing, but most people aren’t able to analyze their sequences as well or as quickly as they might want to,” Bedford said. “We’re trying to fill in this gap so that the World Health Organization or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — or whoever — can have better analysis tools to do what they do. We’re hoping that will get our software in the hands of a lot of people”...
World Health Organization (WHO)
See the following -
Open Data Key To Tackling Neglected Tropical Diseases
Open data access could promote collaborations among researchers in Africa and help in the fight against malaria, tuberculosis (TB) and neglected tropical diseases such as sleeping sickness, also called African trypanosomiasis. At a time when demand for open data in health and drug discovery is dominating the digital space, some researchers say the model could work for Africa and alleviate the sufferings of many from these diseases. Following the call on 23 April this year from the WHO for the disclosure of all results from clinical trials of new medicines, there is a push towards greater transparency.
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Open Data Projects Win Wellcome Trust, NIH and HHMI Open Science Prize
The Open Science Prize, a new initiative from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and the Wellcome Trust, encourages and supports open science approaches that generate benefit to society, advance research and spur innovation. An integral component of the selection process is demonstrated use and generation of open data, so PLOS is proud that this year’s winner of the Open Science Prize is PLOS author and evolutionary, computational biologist Trevor Bedford of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington...
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Open Source Cancer Research
When it comes to treating, curing, and preventing cancer, modern medicine has largely failed...What would happen if cancer researchers were able to adopt an open and collaborative approach like the one that has--for the last two decades--revolutionized software development? What if cancer research could be open source?
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Open Source Pharma And Prizes
I’m involved in a meeting happening next month in Italy that is asking “Can we develop a new open source pharmaceutical industry?” We’ll be talking amongst other things about incentives (such as prizes) and new ideas for the structure of pharma (legal and economic) and trying to come up with some pilot projects.
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Open-Source Thinking Is Revolutionizing Medical Device Development
...As Moore’s Law brings down the cost of computing, and as consumer electronics become more sophisticated and yet cheaper, there are opportunities to use those advances to make medical devices that can serve the bottom of the pyramid...
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OpenMRS Conference in Uganda Redefines Global Health IT Collaboration
Hundreds of developers and health experts gathered in Uganda this past December to attend the OpenMRS Implementers conference. This event has in many ways redefined the global health IT landscape. This is the first OpenMRS conference that has been officially sponsored by the government of a nation, setting the stage for future conferences that can bring together open source developers and government officials to build national health IT solutions. Read More »
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Patient With Deadly MERS Virus Waited Hours In Florida ER
The second US patient to be diagnosed with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) waited four hours before he was seen by doctors in Florida as 20 health care workers await test results for the deadly virus.
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Pfizer Unveils ATLAS®, An Interactive, User-Friendly Website That Provides Global Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance Data Across 60 Countries
Pfizer Inc. today announced the launch of the company’s Antimicrobial Testing Leadership and Surveillance (ATLAS) website, which is designed to provide physicians and the global health community with easy access to critical data on the efficacy of various antibiotic treatments and emerging resistance patterns across more than 60 countries. Understanding evolving bacterial resistance patterns is a key element in managing the rise of antimicrobial resistance. To that end, ATLAS can not only help physicians select the most appropriate treatment choices for their patients, but also enable global health authorities to develop data-driven antimicrobial resistance mitigation strategies...
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Phage Therapy Shown to Kill Drug-Resistant Superbug
Scientists from the University of Liverpool have shown that phage therapy could offer a safe and effective alternative to antibiotics in the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis lung infections. Chronic lung infections caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa are becoming increasingly difficult to treat due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). With limited alternative therapeutic options available this has led to a renewed interest in (bacterio)phage therapy. Phages are viruses that kill bacteria but are otherwise harmless. A major advantage is that phages only target the harmful bacteria, so there are less side of the effects often associated with antibiotics...
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Promising Antibiotic Discovered In Microbial "Dark Matter"
Potential drug kills pathogens such as MRSA—and was discovered by mining "unculturable" bacteria...
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Public Health ACTion (PHACT) 2013 Campaign mobilizes support
The 2013 Public Health Action (PHACT) Campaign is well underway. Check out the Public Health ACTion (PHACT) Campaign web site maintained by the American Public Health Association (APHA). It provides 'open' data and information on public health funding impacts on communities in every state in the U.S. Click on your state to find out where it ranks on public health funding and activities. Read More »
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Public Health Threats Emerging in Houston in the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
Although Hurricane Harvey's floodwaters have largely receded, public health threats are emerging over polluted floodwater and contaminated drinking water. Chemical pollution from damaged industrial sites, flooded toxic waste site, and contamination by infection-causing bacteria have been the main causes of concern. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warned residents and cleanup workers who might be exposed to floodwaters to take precautions due to hazards such as dangerous debris, bacteria, and other contaminants. This article will review some of those public health threats.
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Putting Neglected Tropical Diseases Under Spotlight
The development community is finally talking about how best to fight NTDs but more consensus and practical action is needed Read More »
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Research to Help Fight Multi-Resistant Bacteria
An international collaboration led by scientists from The University of Western Australia has uncovered the three-dimensional molecular structure of a protein, called EptA, which is responsible for multi-drug resistance in many disease-causing bacteria. Multi-drug resistance in bacteria has been identified as a major worldwide public health concern by the World Health Organization. Multi-drug resistant bacteria are responsible for approximately 700,000 deaths per year, a figure which the WHO says could reach 10 million by the year 2050...
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