Hawaii and Open Health IT Solutions
Over the years, Hawaii has given rise to a number of individuals and organizations that have played a key role in collaboratively developing and implementing innovative ‘open’ health IT initiatives. I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge them. They include the Pacific Telehealth & Technology Hui (http://www.pacifichui.org/hui/index.html) and the University of Hawaii Telecommunications & Information Policy Group (http://tipg.net). They continue to be leaders in the field of interoperable and open source health IT solutions and have willingly shared them with other states. I know several states and territories such as West Virginia, California, Oklahoma, American Samoa and others have benefited from the work being done in Hawaii. Some of the individuals that I'd like to acknowledge and thank include Dr. Stan Sakai, Dr. Norman Okamura, and Frank Fukinaga to name a few.
Has your organization or state taken advantage of the work being done in Hawaii on innovative ‘open’ health IT systems? Their work with the VistA and RPMS electronic health record (EHR) systems and other open source or public domain software solutions?
- COSI 'Open' Health
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