VistA Academy 2013 - Leading Linux Expert to Teach Classes for Open Source EHRs

Press Release | The Linux ETC Company | September 11, 2013

Crawford Rainwater, long-time consultant to the VistA and Open Source EHR community on Linux, will teach core Linux courses during VISTA Academy 2013 in Seattle, WA.

Westminster, CO, September 11, 2013Crawford Rainwater, leading expert on the use of Linux as a platform for open source electronic health records (EHR) systems, will be teaching Linux Essentials and Beginning Linux Systems Administration courses during the upcoming VISTA Academy 2013 in Seattle, WA, October 18-21. The VISTA Academy is part of an extensive VISTA Expo & Symposium 2013 conference focused on the award-winning VistA EHR developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VistA open source software is the most widely deployed hospital-based EHR in the world. Private sector hospitals that have implemented VistA have found that the cost of implementing VistA is between one third to less than one thirtieth of the cost of implementing proprietary EHRs.

Running VistA on the open source Linux operating system has proven to be the most cost effective, secure, and stable solution. Crawford, who is the CEO and President of The Linux ETC Company (“Linux ETC”), will teach all the core elements of Linux for beginners who are seeking to learn how to run VistA or other open source EHRs on the Linux platform. Other training classes at the VISTA Academy offer more advanced training topics specifically related to VistA as well as the MUMPS database. Crawford, has provided in-depth training and advice on Linux to the VistA community through his active participation at multiple VistA conferences in the past decade as well as hands-on work with the community.

Topics during the Linux Essentials course include the following:

  • Linux and Open Source community.
  • Finding your way around a Linux system.
  • The power of the command line.
  • The Linux operating system.
  • Security and file permissions.

Topics for the Beginning Linux Systems Administration course include the following:

  • System architecture.
  • Installation and package management.
  • GNU and UNIX commands.
  • Devices, Linux file systems, and Linux file hierarchy standards.
  • Shells, scripting, and data management.
  • User interfaces and desktops.
  • Administrative tasks.
  • Essential system services.
  • Networking fundamentals.
  • Security.

Register for the classes here.

In addition to Crawford's classes, the VISTA Academy 2013 includes a full slate of training classes. The VISTA Academy has class offerings appropriate to managers, IT staff, and clinicians. Multi-day classes are offered in VistA Foundations, FIS GT.M Administration & Operations, EWD, and Intersystems’ DeepSee. One-day classes will be held on separate days for VistA CPRS & Pharmacy, and VistA Clinical Reminders, allowing interested clinicians to attend both. In addition, a one-day class is offered on Technical VistA Systems.

The nine different classes covering a range of VistA-related topics are as follows:

The VISTA Academy 2013 and the VISTA Expo & Symposium are hosted by the VISTA Expertise Network (VEN). The back-to-back meetings provide a unique opportunity for VistA thought leaders, decision-makers, vendors, adopters, and end-users to meet in a professional conference environment. The four-day program of the VISTA Expo & Symposium, Oct. 22-25, features daily keynote addresses on major VistA topics, as well as a full range of panels, presentations and roundtable discussions.

About Linux ETC

The Linux ETC Company is a Linux training and Open Source consulting firm that provides a framework and leadership to enhance, develop, and better life-long professionals in Linux and Open Source technologies.  Established as a private company in August 1998 by Crawford Rainwater, The Linux ETC Company assists the Open Source health community in establishing and building the foundation by advocating stable, secure, and cost effective solutions using Open Source based technologies. 


Crawford Rainwater
Linux ETC