ApacheCon North America
ApacheCon showcases the latest breakthroughs from ubiquitous Apache projects and upcoming innovations in the Apache Incubator, as well as Open Source development and leading community-driven projects "The Apache Way". "The Apache Software Foundation continues to lead in community-driven development that accelerates innovation across the Open Source ecosystem," said Rich Bowen, Vice President of Conferences at the ASF. "ApacheCon delivers state-of-the-art content, directly from Apache project developer and user communities."
Over the past 19 years, ApacheCon has drawn attendees from more than 60 countries to learn about core Open Source technologies independent of business interests, corporate biases, or sales pitches. Topics include Big Data, Cloud, Community, Finance, Graphs, HTTP Server, IoT, Machine Learning, Messaging, NoSQL, Programming, Search, Security, Streaming, and more.
Dedicated Apache project tracks/co-located events include Apache Spark and Scala half-day workshop with IBM; CloudStack Collaboration Conference, TomcatCon, and Geospatial Track, organized by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
Sessions and Speakers
More than 100 presentations on dozens of popular Apache projects, including Avro, Beam, CouchDB, Drill, Fineract, Groovy, Hadoop, HAWQ, HBase, Hive, HTTP Server, Kafka, Karaf, Lucene, MyNewt, NetBeans, OpenNLP, ORC, Parquet, Phoenix, Ranger, RocketMQ, Solr, Spark, Struts, Unomi, YARN, and Zeppelin.
Featured projects undergoing development in the Apache Incubator include Druid, Dubbo, Gobblin, Hivemall, MXNet, OpenWhisk, PLC4X, Pulsar, S2Graph, and Traffic Control.
The complete schedule is available at https://apachecon.com/acna18/
Tuesday, 25 September
- Cliff Schmidt, Apache Member, former ASF Board member, and Literacy Bridge founder on how Amplio uses technology to educate and improve the quality of life of people living in very difficult parts of the world.
- Myrle Krantz, Apache Member and Vice President Apache Fineract, on how Open Source banking is helping the global fight against poverty.
- Wednesday, 26 September
- Bridget Kromhout, Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft, on the really hard problem in software: the people.
- Euan McLeod, VP VIPER at Comcast, on the many ways that Apache software delivers your favorite shows to your living room.
Events and Activities
ApacheCon will also feature popular sessions that include Lightning Talks, BarCampApache, Hackathon, PGP key signing, and ample networking opportunities with Apache projects and their communities.
ApacheCon is made possible by Platinum Sponsors Comcast and IBM; Gold Sponsor Amazon; Silver Sponsors Linode and Red Hat; and Bronze Sponsor ShapeBlue, who join Apache event sponsors CloudOps, Dito, GridGain, and Talener. Sponsorship opportunities are available for ApacheCon, as well as Apache Roadshow Berlin and Washington DC: contact [email protected] for further details.
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