Past Events
Pycon Australia 2017 Melbourne
PyCon Australia 2017 will be the eighth national conference for users and developers of the Python programming language. This year it will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from August 3-8. The first day, Thursday, will consist of long-form tutorials, a much-requested item from 2016. The second day, Friday, features our Specialist Track streams on Django, Science & Data, Python in Education and the Internet of Things. The two main programme days, Saturday and Sunday, will feature fascinating keynote speakers and a packed multi-stream schedule of talks for audiences from beginner to expert.
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OW2con is an annual event held in Paris for the world's OW2 community. This conference is designed to bring together software architects, IT developers, technology experts, decision-makers, and project managers for two days of project presentations, roundtables, demonstrations, keynote presentations, and free lunch. As this year's event will be the tenth annual OW2con, OW2con'17 is to be a "special edition" of OW2con and will include a 10th anniversary celebration dinner part on the evening of June 26...
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Akademy Spain 2017
Akademy is the annual world summit of KDE, one of the largest Free Software communities in the world. It is a free, non-commercial event organized by the KDE Community. This year's Akademy will be held at the Universidad de Almería (UAL) in Almería, Spain, from July 22nd to 27th. The conference is expected to draw hundreds of attendees from the global KDE Community to discuss and plan the future of the Community and its technology. Many participants from the broad free and open source software community, local organizations and software companies will also attend.
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OSEHRA Product Management Roadmap and Discussion.
Sam Habiel, Doctor of Pharmacy and the new Director of Product Management for OSEHRA, will present an update on the current OSEHRA open source product portfolio. This portfolio will reflect code convergence efforts and software as well as documentation for the community.
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Introducing the 1% Open Digital Platform Challenge Fund push
The 1% Open Digital Platform Challenge Fund has been proposed by Dr Tony Shannon and Ewan Davis as a means to harness 1% of NHS IT funding towards this end. Thus far the 1% fund has received 48 Expressions of Interest from across the 5 Nations of the UK & Ireland totalling £60m in value. The team behind this push will use the Digital Health webinar to update the CCIO and CIO communities as they work to generate community, support and funding to ensure the #1PerCentFund movement gathers pace and momentum across health and care in UK , Ireland and beyond. Read More »
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Postgres Vision 2017
Postgres Vision is a three-day conference that focuses on enterprise Postgres and open source data management. Postgres Vision 2017 attendees will have the opportunity to network with other professionals, attend breakout sessions, participate in workshops, and listen featured keynotes and lightning talks. Conference tracks include a Business track focused on ROI and innovation, a Community track focused on technology and roadmap, a DBA/Developer track focused on trends and case studies, and a Workshop track focused on methods and skills...
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EclipseCon France 2017
EclipseCon France is conference organized by the Eclipse Foundation to bring together the French and greater European Eclipse community to learn about and collaborate on the most recent ideas and information about Eclipse technologies, Eclipse member companies, and the Eclipse Working Groups. Attendees can expect opportunities to network with other professionals, keynote speeches, demonstrations of Eclipse-based tools in action, and technical sessions on current topics such as modeling, embedded systems, Internet of Things, geospatial, and case studies. You can find the program schedule here...
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MongoDB World 2017
MongoDB World is a conference designed to bring together members of the world's fastest-growing database community to network with other professionals, learn how to deploy mission-critical applications at scale, and explore new MongoDB features, technologies and methodologies. MongoDB World is especially suitable for developers, operators, and architects who are interested in building applications with MongoDB, learning best practices for maintaining MongoDB clusters, and using MongoDB as part of their enterprise architecture...
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LC3: LinuxCon, ContainerCon, CloudOpen China
LC3 is a technical conference containing three events in one: LinuxCon, ContainerCon and CloudOpen. At this two-day conference, attendees can expect to network with other open source professionals, to gain insight into navigating and leading in the open source community, and to collaborate and share information, and learn about the latest open technologies. The summit draws a variety of attendees, including developers, business and legal leadership, operations experts, and other professionals...
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OSEHRA 2017 Open Source Summit
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) is pleased to announce that registration for its 2017 Open Source Summit: Succeeding with the New Federal Open Source Policy, to be held June 13-15 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, is now available. DSS, Inc., a leading health IT corporation and active participant in the OSEHRA community, will be returning as Conference Sponsor.“Our Summit continues to be a unique community forum for open source activities, and a great example of public-private partnership,” said Seong K. Mun, President of OSEHRA.
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Open Apereo 2017
Open Apereo 2017 is an international and inclusive open source conference for education. The conference is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas, the formation of new partnerships, and sharing of personal perspectives between community members and to promote community-wide, project-based, or institutional discussion and collaboration. Topics presented at the event will include DevOps for higher education, instructional designer support, learner data analytics, open academic environments, the next-generation digital learning environment, and more...
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e-Health Annual Conference & Tradeshow 2017
e-Health 2017, Canada’s seventeenth-annual national e-Health conference and tradeshow will be held on June 4-7, 2017 in downtown Toronto. Read More »
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OpenExpo 2017
OpenExpo 2017 is a conference designed for professionals and companies interested in topics related to open source software and open world economy, such as open data, open innovation, and free software. More than 3,000 attendees are expected to attend this one-day event, including open source developers, experts and hackers, as well as representatives for major companies and institutions, suppliers, and users of all levels. As the largest event in Spain related to open source software, free software, and open world economy, OpenExpo 2017 aims to promote sharing, discovery, and evaluation of industry trends and solutions...
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Open Source Summit Japan
Open Source Summit Japan is a technical conference containing three events in one: LinuxCon, ContainerCon and CloudOpen. Over 600 attendees are expected to gather for three days to network with other open source professionals, collaborate and share information, and learn about the latest open technologies. Open Source Summit Japan is one of three international summits (Japan, North America, and Europe) being presented by The Linux Foundation in 2017. The summit draws a variety of attendees, including developers, operations experts, business and legal professionals, students, media, analysts, and other professionals...
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12th DoD/VA and Gov Health IT Summit
Held since 2011, DSI’s Health IT Summits are a unique forum that allows for personnel from DoD, VA, Federal and State agencies to convene in one location along with leaders from Industry and Academia that support them. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve to better suit the needs of the patient, the role of information technology will continue to be an integral part in the efforts to link innovative IT solutions with advanced lines of communication to achieve a patient centered health system that focuses on enhancing delivery of healthcare. Although delivering military health care in an efficient and cost-effective manner is important, the goal is to first and foremost build a health care system focusing on improving the overall the health of the patient. In the efforts to support this health care system, tremendous strides have been made from multiple organizations ranging from the DoD, VA, Government Agencies, Private Industry, and Academia.
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Bio-IT World Conference & Expo 2017
The Bio-IT World Conference & Expo is a conference designed to showcase a wide variety of IT and informatics applications and enabling technologies for biomedical research, clinical and healthcare initiatives, and drug discovery and development. More than 3,300 delegates representing 41 countries are expected to attend this three-day event. The 2017 conference features more than 280 speakers, keynotes, workshops, industry awards, an exhibit hall, and the FAIR Data Hackathon 2017...
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VistA / eHMP in the Cloud Project Group Status Update
Established in January 2017, this group will implement and maintain a VistA/eHMP Cloud demonstration site using Microsoft Azure. The centerpiece of this implementation will be an operating demo of VistA with eHMP, which will serve as a testbed and proof-of-concept. In addition, facilities will be made available for developer sandboxes and for creation of curated test data in cooperation with university medical and nursing students. This Innovation Webinar will serve as a status update on the groups' progress. Read More »
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HHS IDEA Lab Innovation Day
The Office of the Chief Technology Officer is holding its HHS Innovation Day on May 15th, 2017 at the Hubert Humphrey Building in the Great Hall from 9:00am-3:00pm. The day will feature presentations from teams across HHS who are using entrepreneurial methods like design thinking and lean startup to improve how their office or agency delivers on the HHS mission. The day will also feature a panel on deploying creative thinking to improve work in government, and innovative speakers from government and the private sector.
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Percona University Budapest 2017
Percona University Budapest 2017 is one of a series of free and low-key half-day technical events hosted by Percona since 2013. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from open source database experts, ask these experts questions, and learn about solutions to database challenges from peers. As an educational event, Percona University events include presentations designed for "students" of all kinds, from beginners to professionals with years of experience in the database industry...
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Percona University Berlin 2017
Percona University Berlin 2017 is one of a series of free and low-key half-day technical events hosted by Percona since 2013. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from open source database experts, ask these experts questions, and learn about solutions to database challenges from peers. As an educational event, Percona University events include presentations designed for "students" of all kinds, from beginners to professionals with years of experience in the database industry...
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