OSEHRA 2017 Open Source Summit
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) is pleased to announce that registration for its 2017 Open Source Summit: Succeeding with the New Federal Open Source Policy, to be held June 13-15 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, is now available. DSS, Inc., a leading health IT corporation and active participant in the OSEHRA community, will be returning as Conference Sponsor.
“Our Summit continues to be a unique community forum for open source activities, and a great example of public-private partnership,” said Seong K. Mun, President of OSEHRA. “This year, participants will see how OSEHRA’s ecosystem of software, governance, and community can serve as a powerful model for the successful implementation of the new Federal open source policy. This policy aims to achieve high efficiency through code reuse by Federal agencies and the private sector globally. Both contractors and government employees need to understand the benefits and implications of this new strategy.”
The Summit provides a venue for community leaders to showcase their findings and share their experiences in open source during the technical tracks. Community members and attendees are highly encouraged to submit papers for consideration during the Call for Abstracts, which will remain open until March 15. As this year’s title implies, a significant amount of the Summit program will be devoted to sectors beyond healthcare, including open source strategies in cybersecurity, cloud computing, and big data. Nevertheless, the Summit will continue to be a focal point for open discussion on VA’s VistA Evolution. Much of this year’s VA discussions will center around the powerful new Enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP) that is designed to dramatically improve the usability and functionality beyond VistA. Interoperability and analytics will also be focal points in these sessions.
For those who are not familiar with open source or the new Federal Open Source Policy, the Summit will provide training sessions on the following:
- Open Source Basics, including Licensing
- Code Reuse Strategies and Redaction Challenges
- Open Source Code Certification
- Open Source Data Management
This year, for the first time, OSEHRA is also offering advanced technical training immediately prior to the Summit. The first course being considered is a training session on GT.M from June 10-13. The GT.M Administration & Operations course provides hands-on training on setting up, managing, and troubleshooting GT.M environments (DevOps), and is valuable for those interested in working with GT.M. Tuition for this course would be separate from the conference registration. The course is contingent upon sufficient community interest, which should be conveyed by November 30 to summit@osehra.org.
Keynote Speakers
- David J. Shulkin, MD, U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs
- Rob C. Thomas II, Acting Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology and Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Plenary Session Speakers
- Chris Rhodes, Director, Open Source Management, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- David A. Wheeler, Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analyses
- David Reagan, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, Tennessee Department of Health
- Frank Drews, PhD, VistA Evolution / eHMP Research Lead, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA & University of Utah
- Gerald Engel, Chief Medical Informatics Officer, New York State Office of Mental Health
- James B. Peake, MD, LTG (ret.), Chairman Emeritus, Board of Directors, OSEHRA
- Jeanie Scott, Director, Health Informatics and Patient Safety, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Jonathan Bryce, Executive Director, OpenStack
- Jonathan Entwistle, Big Data Platform Sales and Engineering, IBM Federal
- Martin Rice, Director, Division of State System, CMS, HHS,
- Merry Ward, PhD, VistA Evolution / eHMP Applied Research Manager, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Mike O'Neill, Chairman, Board of Directors, OSEHRA
- Patricia Abbott, PhD, Director, Hillman Scholars in Nursing Innovation, University of Michigan, Member, Board of Directors, OSEHRA
- Roger Baker, Member, Board of Directors, OSEHRA
- Seong K. Mun, PhD, President & CEO, OSEHRA
- Shereef Elnahal, MD, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Quality, Safety & Value, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Susie Adams, Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal
- Tamara Box, PhD, Associate Director for the Office of Clinical System Development and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
General Session Speakers
- Adam D'Angelo, Director of Technology, Dev Technology Group
- Alison Cassels, DSS, Inc.
- Amy Janett, Software Systems Engineer, MITRE Corporation
- Bill Hoffman, Vice President, Kitware
- Bob Calco, Chief Architect & Lead Developer, Apex Data Solutions
- Brian Book, President, Book Zurman
- Chris Rhodes, Director, Open Source Management, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Christopher Edwards, Principal Architect, KRM Associates
- Clyneice Chaney,
- David Reagan, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, Tennessee Department of Health
- David Schmidt, Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
- David Waltman, Chief Strategy Officer, Ablevets
- Deanne Clark, Health Informatics Consultant, DSS, Inc.
- Deyne Bentt, MD, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Don Hewitt, Vice President of Business Operations, OSEHRA
- Doug Liming, Sr. Enterprise Architect at SAS
- Douglas Burke, President and Co-Founder, Cognitive Medical Systems, Inc.
- Ed Hammond, PhD, Director, Duke Center for Health Informatics, CTSI
- Ed Torres, MITRE
- Eduardo Brito, Product/Portfolio Manager at DSS, Inc.
- Eric Spahn, US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- Frank Drews, PhD, VistA Evolution / eHMP Research Lead, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA & University of Utah
- George Lilly, Open Source Software Developer, CIO WorldVistA
- Gerald Engel, Chief Medical Informatics Officer, New York State Office of Mental Health
- Girish Seshagiri,Executive Vice President/CTO ISHPI Information Technologies
- Gurujeet Khalsa, Cloud Data Architect, Microsoft Federal
- Guy Esten, Director Portfolio Management & Open Source Initiatives, Apex Data Solutions
- Hadrian Zbarcea, CEO, Apifocal
- Han Il Lee, MD, CEO, Dream Hospital
- Jack Taylor, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer, BITS
- James B. Peake, MD, LTG (ret.),Chairman Emeritus, Board of Directors, OSEHRA
- Jason Gzym, Engineer, Saviynt
- Jeanie Scott, Director, Health Informatics and Patient Safety, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Jihwan Park, Senior Engineer and OSEHRA-Korea liaison, OSEHRA
- Joel Ivey, US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Retired
- John Gachago,e-Health Project Director, JWG Global Ltd.
- John Halamka, MD, Chief Information Officer, Harvard Medical School
- Jonathan Nebeker, MD, Deputy National Chief Medical Informatics Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Joseph Snyder, OSEHRA
- K.S. Bhaskar, Director of Database Solutions, Finxact
- Keith R. McCall, President, KRM Associates
- Ken Rubin, Director of Standards and Interoperability, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Laura Prietula, VP, Transformation and Organizational Management at KGS (Kforce Government Solutions)
- Lee Hirz, Softare Supervisor/Senior Systems Analyst, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Leo M. Singh, Golden Pyramid Software
- Leonard J. Tambasco Jr., DSS Inc.
- Margo Kabel, User Experience Specialist,, US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- Mark Junda, VA Acquisition Innovation Advocate, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Martin Rice, Director, Division of State System, CMS, HHS,
- Meghan McCarthy, NIH
- Merry Ward, PhD, VistA Evolution / eHMP Applied Research Manager, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Mi Jung Rho, PhD, Virginia Tech
- Michael Henderson, DSS, Inc.
- Mike Suralik, Senior Project Manager , HLN Consulting
- Minakshi Tikoo, PhD, Connecticut Dept. of Social Services
- Nancy Anthracite, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Director WorldVistA
- Nicolas Newcomb, Medical Informatics Analyst, The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI)
- Patricia Abbott, PhD, Director, Hillman Scholars in Nursing Innovation, University of Michigan, Member, Board of Directors, OSEHRA
- Patrick Redington, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Paul McOwen, CEO, Zato Health
- Peter Levin, PhD, Co-Founder and CEO, Amida Technology Solutions
- Peter Li, Chief Engineer, OSEHRA
- Preston Lee, ASU, Biomedical Informatics, VA Knowledge Based Systems
- Richard Ettema, Lead Consultant, AEGIS.net, Inc.
- Robert Guajardo, Director of Software Engineering, General Dynamics Health Solutions
- Robert Missroon Jr., VP- Finance, CFO, DSS, Inc.
- Robert Silverman, Pharmacist, US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- Robert Wood, Cyber Security Leader, Nuna Inc
- Roger A. Maduro, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Open Health News
- Russell Holt, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, OI&T
- Sam Habiel, Technical Fellow, OSEHRA
- Shereef Elnahal, MD, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Quality, Safety & Value, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Simon Thomas, Global DevOps Manager, Apex Data Solutions
- Steve Rushing, Senior Strategic Advisor, Health Extension Services, E12, Georgia Tech
- Susan L. Hall, MITRE
- Tamara Box, PhD, Associate Director for the Office of Clinical System Development and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Terry Luedtke, IT Specialist, VHA, IPO, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Thomas Pole, Senior Director of Architecture and Technology, General Dynamics Health Solutions
- Tony McCormick, LibreHealth-EHR
- William Maimone, Software Architect, FIS GT.M Group
- Tags:
- 2017 OSEHRA Summit
- AbleVets
- Adam D'Angelo
- AEGIS.net
- Alison Cassels
- Amida Technology Solutions
- Amy Janett
- Apex Data Solutions
- apifocal
- Bill Hoffman
- Bob Calco
- Book Zurman
- Brian Book
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Chris Rhodes
- Christopher Edwards
- Clyneice Chaney
- Cognitive Medical Systems
- Connecticut Dept. of Social Services
- David A. Wheeler
- David J. Shulkin
- David Reagan
- David Schmidt
- David Waltman
- Deanne Clark
- Dev Technology Group
- Deyne Bentt
- Don Hewitt
- Doug Liming
- Douglas Burke
- Dream Hospital
- Duke Center for Health Informatics
- Ed Hammond
- Ed Torres
- Eduardo Brito
- Electronic Health Record (EHR)
- Enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP)
- Eric Spahn
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
- Finxact
- FIS GT.M Group
- Frank Drews
- Future State of VistA
- General Dynamics Health Solutions
- George Lilly
- Georgia Tech
- Gerald Engel
- Girish Seshagiri
- global deployment of open source EHRs
- Global Open Health Informatics
- Golden Pyramid Software
- Gurujeet Khalsa
- Guy Esten
- Hadrian Zbarcea
- Han Il Lee
- health informatics
- Health IT
- health IT cybersecurity
- Health IT Interoperability
- HLN Consulting
- IBM Federal
- Inc.
- Institute for Defense Analyses
- ISHPI Information Technologies
- Jack Taylor
- James B. Peake
- Jason Gzym
- Jeanie Scott
- Jihwan Park
- Joel Ivey
- John Gachago
- John Halamka
- Jonathan Bryce
- Jonathan Entwistle
- Jonathan Nebeker
- Joseph Snyder
- JWG Global Ltd.
- K.S. Bhaskar
- Keith R. McCall
- Ken Rubin
- Kforce Government Solutions (KGS)
- Kitware
- KRM Associates
- Laura Prietula
- Lee Hirz
- Leo M. Singh
- Leonard J. Tambasco Jr.
- LibreHealth-EHR Margo Kabel
- Mark Junda
- Martin Rice
- Meghan McCarthy
- Mer
- open source community
- open source EHR
- Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA)
- open source industry
- OSEHRA 2017
- OSEHRA Community
- US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- VA Office of Information and Technology (OIT)
- Veteran-centric organization
- Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
- VistA EHR
- VistA electronic health record
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