CIMI Group Goes with OpenEHR Archetypes & UML Profile
The Clinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI) group led by Dr Stan Huff (Intermountain Health, Utah) met here in London 29 Nov – 1 Dec to make a final decision on formalism, from the two remaining – openEHR archetypes and various forms of UML (previous posts on CIMI: DCMs & RM, on formalisms). Instead of simply choosing one, the group made a more strategic choice of designating openEHR ADL/AOM 1.5 as the core formalism, with a corresponding profile of UML being developed to enable the more numerous UML-based developers (e.g. VA, NHS etc) to use archetypes within their UML toolchains....
Thomas BealeThe Clinical Information Modeling Initiative is an international collaboration that is dedicated to providing a common format for detailed specifications for the representation of health information content so that semantically interoperable information may be created and shared in health records, messages and documents. CIMI has been holding meetings in various locations around the world since July, 2011. All funding and resources for these meetings have been provided by the participants. At its most recent meeting in London, 29 November – 1 December 2011, the group agreed on the following principles and approach.
1. CIMI specifications will be freely available to all. The initial use cases will focus on the requirements of organisations involved in providing, funding, monitoring or governing healthcare and to providers of healthcare IT and healthcare IT standards as well as to national eHealth programs, professional organisations, health providers and clinical system developers...
- Tags:
- Archetype Definition Language (ADL)
- Archetype Object Model (AOM)
- B2i Healthcare
- Cambio Healthcare Systems
- Canada Health Infoway
- CIMI group
- CIMI specifications
- Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI)
- clinical system developers
- eHealth programs
- Electronic Record Services
- EN 13606 Association
- GE Healthcare
- Health IT
- health IT standards
- health records
- HL7
- HL7 Clinical Statement Pattern
- Intermountain Health
- J P Systems
- JPSys
- Kaiser Permanente
- Mayo Clinic
- MOH Holdings Singapore
- NHS Connecting for Health
- Object Management Group (OMG)
- Ocean Informatics
- open health
- open source
- openEHR
- openEHR archetypes
- openEHR constraint model
- openEHR Foundation
- Results4Care
- SMARTPlatform
- South Korea Yonsei University
- Stan Huff
- Thomas Beale
- UML profile
- UML stereotypes
- Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Health System (NHS)
- Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
- Woland's Cat
- XMI specifications
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